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jack frost ☁️
okay jonah wake up
jack frost ☁️
it's time jonah
jack frost ☁️
whore if you don't
answer me-

jo 🤪
you're worse than
zach you know that
jo 🤪
and what are you talking about

jack frost ☁️
jack frost ☁️
i need to meet zach now
it's getting to the point
where he calls me at three
am in tears

jo 🤪
he loves you a lot
jo 🤪
and yes it is time for you
to meet him but why are
you talking to me about it
at four am

jack frost ☁️
because you're the only one
who would tell me to calm
down and not freak out

jo 🤪
corbyn, you don't have any
reason to freak out okay?
zach loves you more than anything
and you both need each other right
now especially him
jo 🤪
get your ass to texas and hug the fucking
life out of him and don't let him go
until his mom makes you leave
jo 🤪
now i'm going back to sleep and
when i wake up i better see you
in texas

jack frost ☁️
don't worry i already
bought the ticket
jack frost ☁️
i already made the plan
to go see him next week
jack frost ☁️
thank you and goodnight

— help me understand why i love zorbyn so much

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023

 ☆ミ  𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora