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jonah awoke with a smile on his face. he looked over and saw his beloved husband of two years sleeping peacefully beside him. jonah brushed the strand of blonde hair from corbyn's face, softly placing a kiss on the blondes nose. "good morning, my love" jonah whispered, as corbyn stirred awake. corbyn slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "it's today" corbyn yawned and jonah smiled. "today is the day we're gonna go pick up our baby boy" jonah smiled, pecking corbyn's lips.

the couple had recently found a small boy whom they fell in love with at the local orphanage, they immediately wanted the little boy, but they had to wait a couple of weeks before the boy could be called their own. today was the day that corbyn and jonah were going to become fathers, and that has been something they have wanted for a long time.

once the couple was ready, they made their way to the orphanage. walking in hand in hand the couple entered the orphanage, immediately being greeted by the owner. "you two ready?" she asked, a huge smile on her face. corbyn squeezed jonah's hand. "we are so ready" jonah replied. the owner chuckled and went in the back room, returning with a small boy in her arms. "jojo corbs!" the small boy gasped when he saw jonah and corbyn. the owner put the boy down and he bounced into the couples embrace.

"i wissed you guys" he said, and corbyn laughed. "we missed you too" jonah smiled. "what are you going to name him?" the owner asked, as she got out a certificate. jonah looked at corbyn. "we kinda liked the name isaiah oliver marais" corbyn said and the lady smiled. "that's a beautiful name" she said as she wrote it down. "my name is isaiah woliver?" isaiah asked, causing jonah to laugh a little. "yes baby, your name is isaiah oliver marais, we are your parents now, baby" jonah replied, causing isaiah to wrap his arms around jonah's neck. "tank you, daddy" he said, and jonah couldn't help but let a tear fall from his eye.


two years went by and isaiah was now five years old, and basically the worlds best boy. corbyn on the other hand was miserable, he was seven months pregnant and wanted to shoot himself on a daily basis. "papa, when's baby coming?" isaiah asked jonah at breakfast. jonah chuckled and sat down. "in a couple months, baby, have you thought of a good name?" jonah asked, the couple decided to throw a gender reveal party that afternoon, and they wanted isaiah to pick the name.

"well, wif it's a girl, she should be named lillian rose, after my best friend from school. but if it's a boy, he should be named daniel james" isaiah said, and jonah laughed. "those are beautiful names, baby" jonah smiled as corbyn walked down the stairs. "esther, ashley, and jordan will be here any minute." corbyn said as he struggled to sit on the couch. "daddy, i came up with the names! lillian rose for a girl and daniel james for a boy!" isaiah said as he climbed up on the couch next to corbyn. corbyn kissed the boys forehead. "i love you, isaiah oliver" corbyn said. "i love you too, daddy, and i love papa too" isaiah said, smiling.

the doorbell rang and isaiah ran to the door. "uncle wordan!" isaiah shouted jumping into jordans arms. "how's my little man?" jordan asked as he held the door for ashley and esther. "i'm good. i can't wait to see wif i'm gonna have a baby broter or sister" isaiah said and esther laughed. "i'm still betting it's a girl" she said and jonah shook his head. "with corbyn's luck, it's gonna be a boy" jonah replied, causing esther to roll her eyes.

when everything was set up in the back, the family went outside, and stood in front of a box. "alright, we ready?" jordan asked, isaiah screamed, causing corbyn and jonah to laugh. "i'll take that as a yes. alright go ahead" isaiah opened the box and pink and blue balloons came out, causing corbyn and jonah to laugh. "oh my god, this is insane, jack was right" jonah laughed as he kissed corbyn.


twelve years pass by and isaiah is now seventeen while the twins just turned twelve "fuck off" isaiah mumbled and corbyn who was carrying a two year old zachary dean on his hip raised his eyebrow. "what did you say to me, isaiah oliver?" corbyn demanded, and zach just looked at isaiah. "sorry daddy, i didn't mean to say a bad word, it's just –" isaiah felt a tear roll down his face.

"daddy waya sad" zach said and corbyn's face saddened. "baby, what's wrong?" corbyn said as he placed zach down, who took ahold of isaiah's hand. "i just miss papa so much, daddy" isaiah said looking into zach's eyes. "i know you do, baby, i miss him too. but we've got to be strong for him, okay? just like we promised him we'd do" corbyn said and isaiah wipes his nose. "yeah, okay. do you want me to go pick up lily and dani?" he asked as he picked up zach. "sure, wanna take zach with you? i've got some work to do" corbyn asked and isaiah nodded.

"come on, z, let's go pick up your brother and sister" isaiah grabbed his keys and carried zach out to his car and strapped him into his car seat. "can you pway one of papas wongs" zach asked as isaiah was driving. "sure" isaiah turned on his phone and started playing his favorite song. kissing on the moon


"uh, why does daniel look like he got in a fight?" corbyn asked as isaiah slammed the door behind him, an angry look on his face. "maybe because he did, do you want to explain what happened or shall i?" isaiah said, putting zach down, who immediately ran to corbyn. "dani wade lili cry, daddy" zach said as lillian came out of the bathroom, her face tear stained. "jesus christ, daniel, not again" corbyn sighed and daniel shrugged. "i've warned him plenty of times, dad, the guy can't get it through his head" daniel defended and isaiah rolled his eyes. "she loves him, daniel, just because you don't like him doesn't mean she can't date him, they both love each other" isaiah explained and daniel rolled his eyes. "whatever, i'm outta here" daniel said walking up the stairs.

"he's just like papa, daddy" isaiah sighed as corbyn put zach to bed. "i know he is, but he's also got papas heart, and you know that" corbyn said as isaiah rested his head on corbyns lap. "i love you, daddy" isaiah sighed, and corbyn smiled. "i love you too, isaiah oliver" corbyn said.

i love you corbyn matthew, isaiah oliver, lillian rose, daniel james, and zachary dean.

— hi skinnies! okay, this is a little sad i'll admit, BUT what is a astromarais oneshot without a little sadness? also i have major post concert depression at the moment, because i was just sitting in the shower and all of a sudden i was sobbing, so it's hitting me hard and it's only been 12 days.

october 8th, 2019
— okay um so a lot of you are asking what happened to jonah so i thought i should tell you. he was killed in a car accident that killed corbyn's unborn child. there now you can stop attacking me

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023 — why did i add that last part.

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