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zach walked casually on the sidewalk, his black sweatshirt practically covered his entire body, his hands were shoved in the pockets. zach slowed down once he reached the cliffside. taking a deep breath, zach walked towards the cross next to the bench. his heart was practically pounding out of his chest as he read the name engraved on the wooden cross. corbyn besson 1998-2019. 'you know, smile? yeah, that's right'

when word got out that corbyn was shot everyone in town was affected. everyone for at least twenty miles knew who corbyn was; he was loved by everyone. and zach, well he was the luckiest of them all. zach was the one who got to kiss and hug corbyn, he was the only boy who got to say i love you as corbyn picked him up and spun him around, the two boys engulfed in laughter. everyone adored zach and corbyn; they were like that one couple that stayed together no matter what happened.

but that's not why zach was affected by corbyn's death. what affected him most was the fact that he had to sit by and watch as corbyn struggled in the man's grip. zach watched as corbyn begged the man to let him go. he watched as it was too late, too late to stop it, too late to save his boy.

it didn't matter how many times people told him it wasn't his fault, zach still told himself it was his fault. he tells himself and others that he should have been the one to die, not his beautiful boy.


"you look tired, baby," zach softly smiled and turned around. "hi" zach said, pulling corbyn closer to him. "you didn't answer the right answer, but hi" corbyn giggled wrapping his arms around zach's neck. "i missed you," corbyn mumbled into zach's neck. "it's only been like what? twelve hours" zach replied, his hand brushing through the white feathery wings. "i know, but that's too long," corbyn pouted. "i miss being with you all day everyday"

"i know, baby, i do too," zach said, his eyes trailed up and down corbyn's body. it's been almost two years and zach still doesn't believe this is true. the brunette knew corbyn the way he was before he died. when corbyn was alive, he had these bright green eyes, beautiful light blonde hair, and perfect porcelain skin. but now corbyn's eyes were fading to light grey, and his skin was now almost completely transparent, and his hair was slowly fading to white.

but zach was still able to touch corbyn, the feel of his soft skin, and his lips, but it was different now. corbyn's body was now cold to the touch. but of course zach still saw corbyn as his beautiful, amazing boyfriend of four years.

after a few moments of silence zach spoke up. "maybe-'' he looked into the horizon. "maybe we can'' the boy finished. "maybe we can what?'' corbyn scrunched up his face. "maybe there is a way we can be together, all the time?'' the brunette smiled at corbyn. "like we used to,'' he smiled. "baby'' corbyn sighed. "you know i have to go at midnight" it was true, from five pm to midnight corbyn was allowed to roam the cliffside. it made zach wonder why it was such a specific time, but then he remembered it was the time corbyn was shot, and the time he died.

"i've got an idea,'' zach smiled widely. "i don't like that smile, zachary'' corbyn laughed nervously. zach just laughed and pecked corbyn on the lips. "so what do you want to do?" corbyn asked. there was a rule that the angels weren't allowed to leave the cliffside unless they went to the hospital, and corbyn and zach would never go there. the rule was made by the guardian angel; jonah. no one likes him, he's stupid.

then zach got another idea, the brunette grabbed corbyn and pulled him onto the ground. "oh for the love of fuck, if you're gonna do that, please spare me the pain and do it somewhere else" corbyn laughed as zach crawled on top of corbyn. "oh you, dirty little baby"


zach quietly unlocked the door to his house. he slowly opened the drawer and pulled out the small handgun and slid it into his jean pocket. he found some loose paper and a pen. mom, dad, reese, ryan, i love you all so very much. thank you for being the best family i could ever ask for. i'm sorry, but i have to do this, for corbyn. love, z

zach read over the note and took off the necklace his mom gave him and placed it with the note. the brunette quietly opened the door to his sibling's room and smiled. "take care of them, promise me you'll take care of them," zach whispered to ryan before the brunette left the house, into the darkness. zach stood in front of the hospital. he took out the small handgun and placed it against his head.

zach fell to the ground immediately, blood pooling out of his head. doctors ran out attempting to save the boy, but the boy was already gone. with a smile on his face, zach was surrounded by darkness, finally able to be with corbyn once again


corbyn couldn't stop crying. it was almost midnight and zach still hadn't showed up, leaving corbyn to think that zach stopped caring, the boy he loved stopped caring that corbyn was dead. "you know someone just died, and it hurt my soul, it's never done that before" jonah said, scaring corbyn. "maybe it's because you have no heart," corbyn remarked. "oh shu-" corbyn gasped and tackled zach to the ground.

"i'm here, my beautiful boy," zach giggled. "and i always will be." corbyn looked at zach, but the person in front of him wasn't zach. he had wings and a bright yellow halo. corbyn couldn't talk, he kept trying to say something but all that came out was stuttered words. corbyn continued to stare at zach in horror. "z-zach y-you-"

"okay" zach chuckled. "i get it, i know how this looks, but this is amazing, my love! we can be together now!" corbyn's eyes traveled to zach's head, a bandage was wrapped around it; seeping with blood. "zay, what the hell did you do?" corbyn asked, continuing to look at zach's head. "it's okay," zach said, taking corbyn's hand. the blonde was too busy to even notice they were in front of the hospital, next to a cross. the words were blurry, but it didn't take a scientist to know what it said. zach herron 2001-2021 'oh come on, it'll be fun, you see!'

"y-you-you're dead" corbyn said, barely able to speak. his hands were trembling, he didn't look at zach. "corbyn," zach sighed. "corbyn" zach said, this time more firmly, getting corbyn's attention. "remember, we are together now, always," zach said. "always?" corbyn asked, bringing his trembling hands up to zach's neck. "always, my love"

always, such a big word, but corbyn and zach, they had big hearts

— heyo i'm crying because this has been in my drafts since LAST year. oh and i spent 80 dollars on a cameo from jonah and let me tell you it was worth getting in trouble for.

FINAL EDIT july 2nd, 2023 — update, i accidentally deleted that cameo so

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