Chapter 38 - Away From Home

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James was lying down I'm bed with Ella laying on his stomach. He brushed through her soft hair as she slowly fell asleep, her soft purrs turning into little snores. James pecked her forehead as he carefully slid her into bed.

"Jameson, can I talk to you for a sec?" Adam asked, poking his head through the door.

James got up to meet with Adam downstairs. "I thought you would be in bed by now." James said.

"Would of if it wasn't for these." Adam pulled out the information to Vidcon US. James and Adam have been going to Vidcon for years now. It was even when they announced their engagement. So many of there fans were planning to go just for the chance of meeting them.

"Oh no. It's almost that time already. What about Ella?" James panicked.

"I know. We can't leave her here alone but we also can't take her with us. She's scared of crowds. Lots of people would want to meet her after the videos. We'll be so busy at panels. Not even to mention the nightmares. What are gonna do?" Adam rambled.

The two sat down and looked at the envelope in front of them. They silently waited to one of them to come up with an idea. "You should go Adam." James said. Adam hummed confusedly. "I've been going a long time. I can skip one convention."

"No James, you should go. More people want to see you anyway. I can take care of Ella." Adam said.

"What if we just get a babysitter for a week?" James suggested.

"I don't know. I don't wanna leave Ella with a stranger. It takes Ella time to build trust with adults." Adam said.

"Your parents?" James asked.

"Out of the question. They're out on a vacation."

"Your brother?"

"Like he could take care of Ella."

"So that only parents." James sighed. He and his Dad haven't talked since he came out to be with Adam. He didn't enjoy the fact that Adam was a demon or that James was gay. They did invite him to the wedding but he declined.

"Jameson, you're crying." Adam noticed. He dried James' eyes and looked at him. "Are you sure no one else in your family can take her or maybe I could stay?"

"No, I'll work something out with them. Next week we'll go to and visit and if they say no we'll try someone else."


A week later, James drove out to see his parents. He told Ella and Adam to wait in the car as he went to go talk to his parents. Ella still had no idea what was going on with her Dad's or what they were planning.

"Daddy, why did Dad take us here?" Ella asked.

Adam hesitantly looked at her small blue eyes and sighed. "You remember what Vidcon is right?" he asked. Ella nodded. "Well we were invited. The thing is, we can't take you with us. So we're trying to find someone to take care of you while we're away."

"Y-you're leaving...?" Ella whimpered.

"Just for a week. We'll be back I promise. And we'll talk with you every night on the phone make sure you're ok."

"And then you'll come home?"

"Of course." Adam assured. "But just in case you miss us. We got you these." Adam gave her two small plushes. Both resembled James and Adam's cartoon personas. "Hold on to these and remember us. We'll never really be apart."

Ella held the plushies close and giggled. "I love them!" she squealed.


James knocked on the door to his parents house. He door clicked and he saw his mom open it. "James!" she cheered. James hugged his mom as they walked into the house. "Thanks for letting me come over mom. I actually have a favor to ask."

"What is it James?"

"Well, you remember me talking about our daughter Ella. Well, Adam and I need to go to Vidcon so we thought you and Dad could watch over her for a week." James shyly suggested.

"James I love that idea! I always wanted to meet the little ball of sunshine in person. But your father is not too keen on demons or Adam. He refuses to even call him his son in law."

"I know, that's why I want to talk to him. Maybe we can work something out. He can't hate us forever." James said excitedly. He walked up to his parents bedroom and cracked the door open.

"Hi Dad." James whispered.

There was no response.

James felt a cold shiver down his back. Adam told him that ment something bad was about to happen. The thing was, James didn't have his demon sense. Maybe this is a different kind of sense.

"Dad, it's been two years. Don't you think it's time for us to talk?"

Still no answer.

"I know you aren't keen on my choices but please listen to me, I have a family now. Adam and I are married. We adopted a little demon girl who needs her grandpa. We need you. I need you."


James gave up and turned around. He let out of soft sigh as he walked out of the room. "What's her name?" someone said. James turned around and looked at his father. "What's her name son?" James smiled and ran over to his dad pulling him into a hug. "Her name is Ella dad."

James' dad slowly put his arm around James. "I...I missed you son. I'm sorry." he whispered.

"It's okay dad. I missed you too." James said happily. "Now, do you wanna meet your grand daughter?"

"I would love to."


Adam brought Ella into the house. Mr
and Mrs. Rallison both loved her. Ella seemed to love them too. James and Adam knew that this was the best place for Ella to be as they prepared for Vidcon.

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