Chapter 27 - Coming Out Pt - Two

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Adam's POV

I woke up the smell of pancakes and bacon. "Making pancake, making bacon pancakes. Got some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake. Bacon pancakes that's what it's gonna make. Bacon pancakes!"

I looked over at James who was still sleeping. I decided to stay with him until I heard loud talking from downstairs. I walked down to see Faith in the kitchen. "Morning Adam."

"Hey, what's the noise about?"

"Mom and Dad are talking about you two. I was just told to watch over the food." I quickly looked over to the living room where all the commotion was taking place.

"He's out son! We have to support him no matter what. It makes him happy."

"I still say we should throw him out. He's not our child so why would we care?"

"He's still a human and we have to treat him like he's family now."

"Yes, let the monster ruin our son. He's a demon for crying out loud, you can see his horns!"

That hit me way too close to home. It was like a rock hitting a window. Something I was shamed upon my whole life and here it is again. Why follow the rules of society anyway? Is that what makes me weird to you? "Not all demons are mean you know." I said out loud by mistake. All attention was on me now. Shit.



I woke up feeling fresh and calm but it didn't last. Normally, I didn't panic when Adam wasn't in bed with me but when I heard the loud yelling I knew something was wrong. I jolted awake and raced downstairs into the living room.

"He was eavesdropping on our conversation! We should of gotten rid of him while we had the chance!" My dad said.

"What? You can't kick Adam out. He did nothing wrong."

"He's going to ruin you. No son of mine is gonna be with a stupid demon. Satin can stay away from us thank you."

"Adam isn't Satin!"

"Well he sure looks like it!"

"Can we all please just calm down? Mr. R I-"

"This is a family conversation cunt!"

I felt that. Adam was always picked on for being himself and now he's by my own father. "You have no right to call him that! You didn't even give him a chance! YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME A CHANCE!"

I heard my siblings whispering in the back about the conversation.

"He had a chance and now look at him. He's not good for you James. You know that."

"Maybe, I'm just not good for you Dad." I said tears stinging my eyes.

"Come on Adam, let's go." I said as I walked out the door. My dad said some swear word as we walked out the door.

I closed my car door and we both just sat in the driveway as I started crying. Adam pulled me into a hug as I sobbed into his chest. Once I was done with my pity party, we both just sat in silence.

"Sorry about your shirt." I mumbled.

"It's ok. I'll always be here for you. I saw my mom and walk over to my car. "He's some food for the road. Sorry, about everything. I didn't-"

"It's not your fault Mom. He'll hopefully understand in time." I hugged my mom goodbye and so did Adam.

"You chose a very good one Jamie. You two will be very happy together. Take care of my boy for me."

"Don't worry I will. He's in good hands."

(Man- Shit got real there for a second. I'm sorry. I just read over the story today and holy shit past me.)

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