Chapter 14 - The Fight

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It was Friday afternoon, the day Adam was dreading the most. His body was still aching from how beaten he was. Demon healing was cool but still took a while. Adam was studying all his powers for the whole week. He now knew he had super speed, super strength, and a special attack that he has to unlock on his own.

Adam was making his way to the meeting stop until James followed him. "Adam where are you going?" James asked.

"Uh, I can't walk you home today, I have to go home early to take care a Kaleb, you know how siblings can be." Adam said.

"Yeah I get it. I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked.

"Of course." Adam kissed James. "I love you." he mumbled.

"I love you too!" James said cheerfully and walked away.

Adam cherished James' positivity. "I'm doing this for you Jameson." He told himself as he made his way to an empty alley.

"Look who showed up to save his boyfriend." Roger said.

"Welcome back cunt, glad to see you didn't chicken out." TJ said.

"Let's get this over with. Who wants to fight you anyway?" Adam asked.

"Some kids from the school on the other side of town. Roger hit there dog." Wil said.

"That's because someone was blasting loud music in the car when they should of been quiet!" Roger yelled.

"Why am I on your side? You guys are obviously in the wrong. You killed a poor dog!"

"Didn't kill, just hit." TJ cleared up. "Also, let's not forget our agreement dipshit." Adam sighed knowing that this fight wouldn't be pretty. Just then, two cars pulled up infront of the group. Each car had four people come out of it. They were outnumbered.

TJ, Roger, and Wil charged at the crowd as Adam stood back. He didn't have much time as three kids ran at him and tackled him. His head was throbbing and he felt a tooth fall out of his mouth. (It was a baby tooth.)

Adam screamed in pain as they tugged his tail. Tears started pouring down his face. He was weak and tried. The three finally got off of him as Adam looked up. One of them stared to strangle him. Adam couldn't breath and his vision started to get blurry.

"This is how I die. This is the end. I'm sorry James. I failed you. Go find someone else who loved you just I much as I do."

Suddenly, Adam threw the kid away. He realized that he was getting his special. A dark demon came out and grabbed the kids and threw them. The rest of three crew retreated quickly. The demon let out a loud screech as they all drive away. After that Adam blacked out.


Adam woke up on his back. The pain didn't hit him yet. He was still too dizzy and numb. "Guys, he's not dead!" Roger yelled."I told you."

TJ and Wil ran over to him and helped Adam up. "Kid, that was amazing! You threw those guys to had they probably have broken bones. Next time you come school your getting money. "

Adam didn't hear anything else. It was all a huge blur. He walked home and collapsed on his bed. His younger brother Kaleb noticed his brother and got him an icepack and a First Aid kit. Kaleb fixed up his brother and let him nap.


Adam's POV

I woke up the next day in less pain. Probably, because of my powers. I got up to see that my black eye and cuts were all patched up. "Your welcome." someone said. My brother Kaleb walked into the bathroom behind me

"You were such a mess last night so I had to fix you up."

"Says the kid who still wears a paper bag on his face." I told him.

"At least my bag covers up any black eye I would get from my face, and pimples." he said.

I sighed. He had a point plus my mom would kill me if she found out that I got into another fight. I bet down, pulled up Kaleb's bag a bit, and wiggled his cheek. "Thanks bro, your the best."

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