Chapter 7 - You'll Love Again

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James' POV

It's been months since we had to deal with those bullies. They've moved onto other people. I'm ok with that. We never needed to deal with them anymore. Jaiden, Rebecca, Maaz and I were all relived that my whole thing with Adam blew over within a week and that we could all enjoy time together. But today was different.

As I was heading back to class after a bathroom break I heard I loud noise. I walked over to where it was and I saw TJ, Roger, and Wil picking on some kid, for being gay? The things they told him disgusted me. They all walked away from the locker. After a few minutes I saw it was Adam that was bullied. I was shocked but also heart broken. He was sitting and crying.

"Hey. You ok bud?" I asked him. He looked up at me. He looked like he wanted to say something but he was to sad. I took him to the boys bathroom to clean him up. I dried his tears and cleaned him up a little. He looked a little cold with the rips in his clothes so I gave him a jacket.

"Why are you helping me? I hurt you. I made fun of you."

I smiled and looked at him. "Since we first met you didn't look like the kind of kid that would hurt someone. Some people change how they look and act to fit in. That happened to you didn't it?" He nodded his head.

"Well, same thing happened to my sister. She was dressing up all fancy and wearing makeup to look all jazzed up for boys. When she was dumped by her friends she was super upset. The thing is, being someone your not is dumb. Being yourself is where it's at!" I told Adam.

"But, what if people make fun of you for what you like?" Adam asked.

"Than there not your friends. True friends will do anything for each other. "

Adam looked down and chuckled hopelessly. "I've wasted so much time trying to be someone I'm not I don't even have one real friend. I missed my whole year on this fake idea of how I should act."

"Well, you have one friend now and it's never too late to have more." I said bringing out my hand. Adam looked at me and took my hand. I lead him out of the bathroom and to the cafeteria. "Trust me Adam, you'll love again. You'll feel found soon."

"I already feel found...Um...."

"James." I said telling him my name. He smiled. I bought Adam lunch and took him to our table. Maaz, Jaiden and Rebecca were there giving me glares.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Adam." I introduced them to him. He nervously waved at them.

"James this is the same guys that made fun of you, stole our money, and hurt us!" Maaz said looking pretty pissed. Adam backed away but I grabbed his hand so he stayed here.

"I know we haven't gotten off to a great start but give him another chance. Adam just fell into the wrong crowd to make and friends and now he has no one. He's changed I promise!"

They all looked skeptical but they listened to what he has to say. Turns out we had a lot in common. He likes drawing, video games, music, comics, Marvel, and he wants to entertain! We all grew to love him and we exchanged phone numbers with each other.

"Hey, Jameson!" Adam yelled catching up to me.

"Jameson? I like it." I said enjoying the nickname. "Whatcha need bud?" I asked him.

"I just wanted to say thanks for inviting me in and I'm sorry for all the horrible things I've done to you. I wanna make it up to you. How about going for frozen yogurt sometime soon?"

"Sure!" We agreed to get frozen yogurt on Friday. I smiled realizing that I made someone happy today. I have a feeling Adam and I would become very good friends.

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