Chapter 4 - At Home

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Adam's POV

Home wasn't any better. That day no one was home in my apartment and my neighborhood didn't have the nicest kids.

"Hey guy's look who's back!" Some kid yelled. Another group of kids ran over to me. They mostly all Mexican and Black kids and they were pretty rude. I tried walking away faster until they ran infront of me and pushed me onto the ground.

"Do you have what we asked for kid?"


"First, your late again, and now you have no drinks? What the hell?" They wanted me to buy them more alcohol and stuff.

"I don't have money anyway." I told them.

"Than steal it or else we'll get you white boy!" They said picking me up and pushing me in the other way. I got to the store and I walked inside. I never stole anything before so this was gonna be tricky. I grabbed the beer and I ran out fast than the speed of light. ( not really but it's how it felt )

My heart was racing as I realized what I've done. "I'm a criminal!" The kids just came and took what I had. Thanks sundae, better be here tomorrow to do it again. Tears started to sting my eyes and I just ran home. I unlocked the door, ran into my room, and fell in my bed. Tears were running down my face as I just sobbed about the terrible time I was having.

"What am I doing wrong? Why don't they like me. I took what they gave me, I acted like they wanted me to act like. Something must be wrong with me." I took off my hat and looked up. Maybe it's how I dress? I'll rip up my clothes and wear my pants in a weird way to make them like me.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on my door. I walk over and open it and a neighbor grabbed me. "Hey sundae! Get over here and help us fight!"

I was dragged off to a fight. I didn't know who I was fighting for and why but I got tackled by some kid I never met before. I kicked him off and tackled him. I bashed his head against the ground and he punched me in the eye. I just kicked him in his crotch and got up. "Asshole." I muttered.

"Adam help!" Someone yelled. They knew my name! As I went to find them I realized one of my neighbors was being beaten up. I took my chance and jumped on the other guys on top of him and together we both took him down.

The fight ended and turns out we won. "Nice job sundae."

"No problem pall!" I did smiling. He looked at me and started to laugh. "Ok kid you got hit in the head way too hard. You shouldn't get your baby hat back." I realized my hat sas gone and some other kid had it.

"Keep away from bird poop boy!" They tossed my hat to each other and laughed at me trying to get it back. They just through it at my face and I feel down. "Go home sundae." "Yeah go cry to your bird mom."

I just walked home and went to the bathroom. I had a black eye and a bloody lip. How will my mom react?

"You need to be stronger than that!" I told myself and I believed it. From this day forward, I will be strong, tuff, and cool!

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