Chapter 35 - Arguments

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James was finished working on a video and was looking to spend some time with Ella. It was Adam's turn to work now and he was pretty much behind schedule. "Adam! Where are you?" James yelled. Adam was on the couch watching TV. "In here Jameson." he yelled.

"Uh Adam, where's Ella? You're supposed to be looking after her." James asked.

"Don't worry she's fine. She's just using her imagination. I'm letting her run wild, kinda like my parents did. I was pretty imaginative when I was a kid. "Adam said.

"So you don't know where she is?"


James panicked and started looking around. "I can't believe you lost her! You can't just leave her like that. She's 5 years old! She's still like a baby!" James yelled. Adam rushed upstairs and looked for her in her room.

"I'm up here Dad!" Ella chirped, "I'm pretending to be a bat!" Ella was climbing on the ceiling looking down at James. Adam came back in the room and looked up at her.

"Ella Rallison Ortiz, you get down here this instance! You could hurt yourself." James demanded.

"Don't worry Ella. I'll catch you. Just hop on to me." Adam said.

"Adam that's a terrible id-", before James could finish Ella jumped down into Adam's arms. Adam held her tightly and brushed his fingers through her hair.

James wasn't done though. "Adam, what is wrong with you! First, you lose Ella and scare the hell out of me. Second, you just let her jump from the ceiling. What if you didn't catch her and she got hurt? She could of broken a horn or something!"

"I didn't mean to James. I just wanted her to have some freedom for a bit. Have some time to let her mind run. It's how my parents raised me." Adam replied. "And look how you turned out." James snapped. He took Ella out of Adam's arms and walked off.


Adam was taking a break from working on a video and went downstairs to get a snack. As he grabbed a banana he saw James working on something. "Oh Adam, can you help me with this?" James asked.

Adam looked away from James and continued to eat his banana. "Adam?" James asked. Adam finished his banana and looked back at James. "I'm sorry, you wanted my help? Well I would help you but, I turned out bad." Adam said and walked up the stairs.

"Really? Dude, this is not the time. This is about Ella's education. I need help getting her into Kindergarten."

"You didn't think I could help with taking care of Ella. Why would I know  a thing about giving her an education?"

"I never said you were dumb Adam. I just think the way you raise Ella is childish. You should just be a little more responsible for her."

"Childish, responsible! I am not childish and I am way more responsible than you! I actually take time to take care of Ella. You spend more time on you're drawing tablet than you do with her. So excuse me for being tired and wanting to take a nap for a minute because my husband is more interested in his fucking tablet than his family!" Adam yelled.

"That's not true. I take good care of Ella, better than you ever would. She more of my daughter than yours." James said, as he grabbed on to Adam's shoulder. Adam turned around and slapped his hand. "Don't you dare touch me James!" Adam snapped and stormed off into his office. James went into the bedroom to finish his work.


Dinner was very quiet that night. James and Adam didn't even make eye contact. There was no funny jokes or banter, just silence. Ella just sat and ate foods as she looked confused at her parents silence. "So, dinner taste good." Ella mumbled, trying to start a conversation.

"Thanks Ella. That's because I made it. If James made it we would be eating drawings because that's the only thing he's good at." Adam said.

James slammed his fist on the table, making Ella and Adam jump. "At least I can say I did better than you! I have over 13 million subscribers!" James yelled.

"That's only because they don't know how sad you really are. Spending all your time in your room alone. Everyday! That's all you do!"

"At least I never lost my own child. I actually care about my daughter, unlike you!"

The two continued to argue constantly. Ella started to shake. She panicked as she started to tear up. She started having flashbacks to her birth parents always yelling and hitting her. "Stop!" she yelled, "No more yelling. No more screaming. I just want everything to be normal." she cried. Ella got up and ran into her room and slammed the door.

James and Adam sat silently. "Good job Adam." James said. "Oh, fuck off James." Adam snapped. He got up and went to check on Ella. James followed and knocked on the door. "Ella, can we come in? "James asked. Adam cracked the door open.

The two walked in and sat on Ella's bed. Ella sat between them. "Ella, talk to us." Adam said while lifting up her chin. "I don't like seeing you guys fight. The yelling and arguing made me think of...them. I don't want you guys to hurt each other. I love you." Ella said with tears in her eyes.

"Ella, the thing is were in a relationship. It's normal for people in relationships to fight. It's just healthy and it makes us stronger." James said. "But no matter what we won't stop loving you." Adam added.

"Will you stop loving each other?" Ella asked.

James and Adam both looked at each other. They were silent for what felt like forever. "No. No matter how many times he yells at me I'll never stop loving him. He's my Jameson." Adam said, "And I'm really sorry for everything I said. I know you love spending time with us. I should also be a little more responsible for Ella."

"I'm sorry too Adam. You came out amazing. I couldn't be more proud of you. I could make some more time for Ella. You'll always be mine Adam. I'll always love you." James said.

Adam leaned over and planted his lips on James. The two rested their foreheads on each other. "I love you Jameson." Adam said. "I love you too Adam." James replied, placing another soft kiss on Adam's lips.

Ella just sat and watched them whole time. They pushed away from each other and laughed. The both were red in embarrassment. "See Ella, were good now." Adam said.

"Why did you guys stop? I didn't mind." Ella asked.

James and Adam laughed and smiled at her. "Alright kiddo, how about we get you some chocolate ice cream. We have some in the fridge." Adam said. "Yay, choccy ice cream!" Ella cheered as she ran downstairs to get some.

"Let's get going before she climbs on top of the fridge." James said. The couple ran downstairs to join there daughter for some ice cream.

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