Chapter 6 - The Party

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Adam's POV

The school year was almost over. I was tired and stressed. I've been really unhealthy. almost every week I threw up because of the drugs. My head has been hurting a lot and I wake up in the middle of the night coughing up storms. It didn't matter because I had friends. Kids from the neighborhood still hatted me but if they came to my school they gave me some credit and just walk away. TJ, Roger and Wil all consider me as a  brother. Kids who I fought with gave me drugs and cigarettes every time we met up.

My crush on TJ didn't go away. Infact, it only got bigger. I think he likes me too. He's been messing with my hair and giving me real compliments. Is he trying to flirt with me? I had no idea.

"Hey AJ!" TJ said calling me. He also gave me a nickname that only he can call me. I blush everytime he calls me that.


"Don't tell anyone yet but your gonna be the first person I invite to my party. All the coolest people are gonna be there. It's on Friday and I'm gonna make a very special announcement."

I hid my excitement and just smiled. "I'll see there." He plays with my hair and we split up. This was it, what all my hard work has come to. This party is gonna be sick!


"Alright Adam, just try to fit in." When I walked in I was hit with the smell of alcohol and sweat. I saw TJ and walked up to him. As normal he was smoking and pet my head. "Hey it's my boi AJ! How's it going bud?"

"Pretty good!"

"Cool, cool! Why don't you go mingle and we'll talk later." He told me.

"Tonight, I'm gonna confess to him." I told myself.

Alright, time to focus on the task at hand. I walked over to a group of people. "Hey, anyone see the game last night?" I asked them. They all looked at each other confused. "Which one?" the girl asked.

"Ya know, the" They all just became silent. "What if they don't like basketball? Stupid."  "Uh no.." someone said and they carried on with there conversation.

There was a bar at the party so I walked over to try it. "You drink?" I nervously look at him trying to think of what to say. "What you have?" I blanked on him for a minute. "Nevermind, I don't want anything."

The same thing happened over and over again! I wasn't fitting in anywhere. I just sat on the couch waiting for this night to be over. TJ got up onto the table and he looked at me.

"YO! EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The music was turned down and everyone looked at him. "I just wanna say that this year was awesome. We robbed some places, we partied it up, and met some cool ass people. So let's do this over the summer too because fuck the law." Everyone continued to party as I walked over to him.

"Hey, TJ my man, can I talk to you?" I asked him.

"Sure what's up?" he asked me taking a drink of beer.

"I...just wanted to tell you that, you've been really cool and a great friend and I was thinking maybe we could have more. So....I uh...I guess I have a crush on you."

He looked at me and smiled. Then he laughed. "Are you kidding me?" he told me. He pushed me aside and got back up on the table. "HEY, EVERYONE! WE GOT A GAY DUDE IN HERE!" he said pointing to me.

Everyone looked at me. Some were whispering, others were laughing. TJ lifted me in the air and slammed me onto the table breaking it. "Sorry, Adam but no cunts aloud!"

"Should of known he was into guys. He screams gay." Wil said.

"Get out of here cunt!" Roger said.

I weakly got up and walked out the door. The cold night air hitting me. My stomach started hurting and I threw up on the sidewalk. "Fuck...." Hot tears streamed down my face. I didn't know what was worse, the fact I was humiliated, that TJ rejected me, how hard I got hurt or me throwing up so hard you could see my breakfast. Once my stomach had nothing left I started coughing like crazy. I got light headed and tried to walk home.

"Adam! It's 10:37, it's way past your bedtime, where were you?" My mom said worried.

"I was with friends mom. Sorry, it was really full. I'm heading to bed." I told her. She gave me a hug. If it wasn't for the "I'm with friends" excuse I would be grounded. I feel in bed and cried myself to sleep.


The next day at school I saw TJ, Roger, and Wil and they threw me at a locker. "You think your really special don't you Adam. We made you special. Your nothing without us you worthless bitch. Get in your closet and stay there gay shit." TJ out my in the locker and they all just left. It didn't take me too long to get out since this wasn't my first time in a locker and I just sat down and cried. They were right. I'm nothing.

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