Chapter 18 - Doubted

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( I would of put this in my other Jadam book but I feel like it would do better here. This is before the events of the last chapter. )

Adam's POV

It was the first day of my new school. It was actually only half of the school year but because of my situation they let me start classes along with Maaz and Rebecca. They were going to be my only friends in this new school anyway. I'm glad to have them around but I really missed James.

James was on my mind all day. I missed how we would walk to class together. How we would eat lunch together and I would listen to one of his stories about one of the teachers. How during break we would kiss under one of the trees outside of school. Man it really did suck back at the old school but I always got though it because my Jameson was there. Yet, I felt my some doubt in my head.

"James is in a new school now. I'm not with him anymore. There's a bunch of new boys around to befriend him. What if he wants to date someone else? Someone who isn't a me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?" Images of James with some other boy flew into my head. What if he really did want to move on?

"Adam!" the teacher yelled scaring me. I was so distracted I didn't even notice everyone looking at me. Right, they probably never saw a demon before and are all scared of me. "Try to pay attention next time." she said. A few people started giggling and whispering about me. At least most people don't want to mess with a demon. There always so scared of them. Everyone hates demons...

When it was Friday, we all met at the park. It was how we were planning to stay in touch with each other. I was standing near a tree when I heard someone yell my name. "Adam!" they yelled. I turned around and saw James running towards me. He pulled me into a hug which I gladly excepted. "I have so much to talk about. I can't wait to tell you about all my new friends!" James said. I tried to keep smiling even though it was beginning to look like I was living my worst nightmare.

As everyone started showing up I was pretty quiet. I honestly wasn't paying attention to any of them. All I wanted to know was who we're these friends that James was talking about. When James started to tell his story I began to toon in.

"So I think I have the best classmates at my new school. I've been hanging out with this girl named Allyson, who's like the top of the class. Steve, he's really shy but is really nice. Oh and then there's Axl! Axl is like the coolest person I've ever met! His hair is done up like flames, he's really loyal, and he's really good at math like me. Actually, we have a lot in common. We both play Neopets and love Tetris and he wants to be an artist like me! He's just so amazing!"

I couldn't listen to anymore. I felt like crawling up in a ball and dying. Axl sounded like the perfect guy for James, unlike me. He's smarter than me, looks cooler than me, and James likes him more than me. I put my hood up and just look down. James is probably gonna dump me soon anyway.

"Hey Adam, you got anything from you're school?" James asked. All eyes we're on me now. They all expected my normal crazy story but I didn't have one. What was I supposed to say? That everyone at my school thinks I'm a weirdo because I have horns and a tail? "I don't really have anything." They all seemed a little disappointed (expect Jaiden) and all just went into another topic. I really didn't wanna be there anymore so I just walked off while no one was looking.

I felt like shit. Leaving everyone felt bad but hearing about how everyone is doing better than me is just worse. Probably no one wanted me around anyway. Demons just cause trouble. We're evil spirits who fuck up everyone's life. We're the ones everyone talks about behind our backs because there too scared to be near us. We're the ones no one loves because we're unliveable. A tear fell from my eye that landed in the ground. Now I'm crying.

"Adam?" I soft voice said. I turned around saw James. "I was looking everywhere for you! You were so quiet today Why did you leave? Is it something that I said? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing James. I just wasn't feeling well that's all." James wasn't buying my story.

"Adam, you're about to cry. Everyone was worried about you, even Jaiden. Tell what's wrong, please."

Tears started pouring down my face. I felt like an idiot! "I'm scared you're gonna leave me! You we're talking about how cool all your new friends are and how amazing that Axl guy is and I got jealous! Everyone is having a great time at school except me. All the kids talk about me behind my back because I'm different. Because demons are evil creatures who are unlovable. You deserve better than me James. I'm not good enough for you."

James hugged me tightly as I started to sob into his chest. He pushed me away from him for a second and dried my tears. "Adam, look at me. I know you aren't like everyone else and that's fine. But you need to know, that I will never stop loving you. No one can take you're place. You're my demon and always will be. Axl or any other man can't replace you." James pulled me into a soft kiss the I expected.  My tail wrapped around us pulling our waists closer together. I couldn't be luckier to have someone like him in my life.


After spending some alone time with James I walked home. I felt so good that I even picked up Kaleb on the way home. I happily hummed along to a song that was stuck inside my head as I pulled out the keys to my house. I quick realized that the lock was broken. I opened the door to our home, completely trashed.

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