Last Week Together

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Hey readers this story is comng to an end.  I hope you enjoy.

Niall POV

Niallan said the saddest thing I have ever heard in a long time.

'The summer is coming to an end. Which means I have to leave soon."

The boys Doniya and I looked at one another then at Niallan.

"Niallan is this really goodbye?" I said not wanting it to be true.

"I'm afarid Niall sweetie it is."

"So when do you leave if today is Sunday?" Louis asks

"I have one week left I leave on Friday."

"Well then since this is your last week in London lets make this the best week." Liam said bringing out the happy side of things

With that we started planning.

"The boys and I have a Premiere tonight. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if Niallan and Doniya tagged along." Harry said hinting to me

Zayn called up Perrie and asked her to come. Liam called up Sofia. Louis called Eleanor. Harry texted Claire Marie. 

The boys got a response from all saying yes expect Zayn. Perrie said no because Jade, Leigh-Ann,and Jesy all have laryngitis. Zayn understood,but was still really disappoited. Doniya was sitting on the couch scrolling through her contacts to try and find date. She texted all 12 boys on her contact list and they either rejeted or already had a date. 

'"I guess I'm going to the Premiere alone." Doniya said hanging her head.

When Zayn heard this he walked up to his sister and said

"Doniya Joy Malik would you like to go to the Premiere with your brother?"

Doniya smiled jumped up and hugged her brother.

"I guess that's a yes then."

Harry,Liam,Zayn,Louis,and I all went back to our falts and get ready.

Doniya POV

Being the sister of a celebrity you have all of brothers friends girlfriends on your contact list. I called Eleanor, Sofia, and texted Harry to give me Claire Marie's number. Harry sent me her number and I texted all the girls to come to Niallan flat and get ready together. It was about 4 when Eleanor and Sofia arrived. Then about  4:30 when Claire Marie arrived. The Premiere started at 6 so we had plenty of time to get ready. 

Eleanor wore a pink dress (#5), Niallan wore a purple dress (#3), Claire Marie wore a blue dress (#1),Sofia wore a gray dress (#4),and I  wore a fushia dress (#2). 

We got ready and waited for the boys. The boy knocked on the door at 5:30. We walked down stairs to the limo waiting outside. 20 minutes later we walking out arm in arm with are dates or for me my brother.

Zayn POV

Honestly it does feel a little weird to be here with my sister, but its better then no date at all. And I felt really bad that she could find a date.

Normal POV

The boys and their dates walked out onto the red capret and posed for a lot of pictures. 

Four Days Later 24 hours before Niallan leaves

Niall POV

Niallan leaves tomorrow. I can't believe I'm going to lose another another girlfriend. Just then my phone buzzed. It was text from Niallan it said 

NA-Meet me outside NOW!!!

I put on my shoes and met Niallan outside. In her hand she had...

OH I'M SO MEAN CLIFFHNGER. Next Chapter may be up in a couple hours may be not we'll see.

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