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Chapter 4

Normal POV

 “Dude why did you bring her here.” Said the boy with a really high quiff

 “Because she got hit in the head with purse what else do you expect me to do.” Said the boy with blonde hair

 Then there is knock at the door

 “I’ll get it” said the boy with curly brown hair

 “Guys I was just wondering if you…” said the boy while turning around

  “Mate why do have a girl in your bed.”

 “It’s not what you think.” Said the boy with blonde hair

 All of the sudden the door swung open and a boy with a blue and white shirt entered

 “Hey Mates…Looks like you had fun last night Blondie.” He said with a cheeky smile

 “It’s not what you think.” The boy with the blonde hair said getting mad

 “Guys don’t make fun of the little Irish lad. He needs to grow up some day.” Said the curly haired one

 All the boys started laughing

 “Hey guys sorry to interupt with your conversation about love, but I think the girl is coming through.” Said the boy with the quiff

 Niallan POV

 I woke up to the sound of boys laughing. I heard one of them say guys she’s coming through. As I opened my eyes I saw 5 familiar faces, but I couldn’t tell exactly who they were.

 “Are you alright love.” Who seemed like the oldest

“Ow…my head hurts…Where am I

Please Leave a comment about who you think the 5 boys are. Thanks for reading. Love ya

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