The "Temperature" is Rising

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Niall POV

Honestly I haven't been feeling that great since Thrusday night. I had headache all day yesterday and today I've had a headache and my stomache's been hurting all day. I didn't want to tell the boys because they'll baby me. But when he got in the limo to ride back to are flats the road seemed super bumpy and every bump made my stomach turn. Niallan and the other boys where talking and laughing, while i just stared out the window trying not to be sick.

 Harry POV

I noticed Niall just staring out the window. That is not very normal for him. He never stares out the window or is super quite unless...He's coming down with something. So I asked him.

"Niall,mate are you feelin alright?"

Niall seemed distracted so I asked again.

"Niall mate are you feelin alright?"

"Oh why do you ask?"

"You just don't seem yourself."

 "I'm fine really just a little headache

I look at him with concered eyes and he says back

"I'll be fine Harry."

I decide just to give in,since he obivously won't tell me anything,but he'll tell Niallan.

Niall POV

Harry asked me if I was feeling alright. I felt horrible,but of course I don't want to tell him that. Finally we arrived at Niallan's flat we dropped her off and rode to our flats. By the time I walked into my flat after barley saying bye to the other boy and closed the door. I was running to the bathroom and kneeled infront of the toilet and was throwing up. When I was done I just got into something comfortable and went to bed. The next morning when I woke up. I checked my phone to see 10 missed calls from Louis, Liam, Harry, and Niallan and four texts from Zayn. 

I called Louis back first since he was the first one who called. When I started to dial. I got a werid feeling in my stomach. Then I sneezed. Louis picked to hearing me sneeze.

L-Niall mate you alright?

N-(sniff*) no

L-What's wrong?

N-I don't (sniff*) feel good.

L-The boys and I will be right over to take care of you.

N-No No No I'm fine I'm not that sick (cough attack*)

L-Niall James Horan wheather you like it or not we are coming over to help you get better.

He hung up. Not even five minutes later they were pounding on my door. The pounding hurt my head. I manged to walk to the door and open it. I glared at them and motioned for them to come in, they all piled in.

Liam POV

The boys and I went to check on Niall when he answerd the door he was really pale. He did not look anything like the Niall I know. The boys and I came in and walked into the living room. Niall sat down on the couch with his favorite pillow it was green with a four leaf clover outline. I walked over to the pale boy and felt his forehead. It was really hot. I told Harry to go get the thermometer. Louis to get some water and Zayn to get a blanket. Harry came back with the thermometer. I turned it on and put into his mouth. After about a minute the thermometer beeped I took it out of his mouth it read 104.8. Louis, Zayn, and Harry all crowded around me to see what it said when finally, I just pushed them away and told them. 

"It's 104.8, that is pretty bad." I told them

"Li-Li-am, I so cold." Niall said shivering 

"Zayn did you get the blanket?"

"Yea, Here it is."

"Thank you Zayn."

I took the blanket from Zayn and wrapped it around the sick blonde boy lying on the couch. Louis handed me glass filled with water. I told Harry to help Niall sit up so he could drink some water. Soon after Niall was asleep again. I decide to call Niallan and tell her what is wrong with Niall since she called me earlier asking about him. I dialed her number and it rang and rang and rang and rang and rang. Until I hear, Hey this Niallan May Anderson sorry I couldn't answer your call. Leave me a message I will try super hard to call you back thanks bye bye. I started to leave a message when my phone started to ring. It was Niallan.


NA-Sorry I was in the kitchen whats up?

L-No problem, but it's Niall he's not doing to well. He has a super high fever, and he hasn't said one word since we've arrived. 

NA-I'll be their in 20 minutes, See ya soon


I ended the call with Niallan when I realized Zayn and Harry were both asleep on the floor. I just decided to let them sleep. Louis was in the kitchen making some tea. I joinded him and told him Naillan was coming over. It was 20 minutes later when there was knock on Niall's door. I went o the door and opened it. It was Niallan I let her in. Zayn and Harry awoke to the sound of Niallain's sweet gentle voice. She walked over to the couch where Niall was sleeping. She knelt down next him and brushed sweaty blonde hair out of his face. Just then Niall woke up. I ran over to him stuck the thermometer in his mouth and waited a minute. When Niall took it out and asked 

"Niallan what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to help take of you silly."

All Niall could was smile,but I scolded him for taking the thermometer out. I felt bad for scolding him so I apologized.

Niall POV

I was really confused on what was going on. Talking just made my head hurt. So I didn't talk much at all until. I saw Niallan. I asked her what she was doing here. She just responded to take care of me. A few minutes after asking Niallan. I gasped for air. I couldn't breathe.

Liam POV

A few minutes after Niall asked Niallan about her being here. He started to gasp for air like he couldn't breathe. He finally got enough air when I then put the thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature. A minute passed it beeped. It read...

Oh cliffhanger...I will post the next chapter in a few days. Keep reading to find out what happens next. Luv ya'll :-)

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