I'm On My Way

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Chapter 2

 Once I got to the airport. I went through baggage which only took 15 minutes surprisingly. I then went through security. I put my bag, jacket, and shoes on the thing. I then went through the scanner. When I got out my bag was just getting through, it beeped when it entered. I started to freak out a little when they started looking through my bag. I mean come on their looking through your bag and you have very personal stuff in there. Then they pulled out my favorite perfume Be Enchanted from bath and body works.

I apologized and grabbed my bag, shoes and jacket and put them back on. I started walking to my gate when I found a Starbucks shop and decided to get a drink while I waited. I ordered a Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino with whip cream. I paid and found my gate. I sat down and enjoyed my frappuccino while I waited for my flight.

 1 hour later

 I heard a woman over the loud speaker say “Gate 41 is now boarding, again Gate 41 is now boarding.”

 I put my stuff in my bag and stood up and walked over to the lady at the desk.

 “Ticket please” The lady said

 I handed her my ticket and walked through the terminal and on to the airplane I found my seat by the window and waited for the flight to begin. It was about 20 minutes later when the flight attendants do the safety thing with the safety instructions once they were finished the pilot said.

 “We are now off to London, England please enjoy the flight

 I put my ear buds in and started listening to some music and thought to myself London here I come.

 Thank you all for reading. My friend and I enjoy writing this and we hope you enjoy it too.Thank you so much.

You're Better Than Words Can ExplainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora