Are You Kidding Me!!!

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Hey my Wonderful Readers. I am using the app so if there are any mistakes don't blame me.

Niallan POV

Niall pulled my and and kissed my cheek. I might have blushed a little. After we said your goodbyes. I went back into my flat and got ready for bed.

Niall POV

Niallan blushed when I kissed her cheek. I normally wouldn't do that, but after what she said I felt I had to. As I was walking back to my flat. I got a text from Liam.

L-So how did it go.

N-Oh you know

L-I know what

N-It was good

L-Niallar it seems it was better than just good

N- I kissed her

L- Niall!!!!!

N-What?! NO! it was on the cheek.

L-Glad you had fun blondie bye

N- Bye Leroy

L- Do you want to die Niall!!!!

N- No sorry bye Liam don't hurt me

I just walked up to my building when I sent Liam that last text. I went up to my flat and got into my pj's and turned on the TV. When I turned it on I turned on celbrity news and I saw Niall Horan and mystery girl at Nandos. I got so mad. I absoultly sometimes hate being famous because you can't go any without someone taking a picture of you. SEROUSILY!!!   I turned off the TV and went to bed. I was super mad. I texted Louis and Harry about the whole thing and neither responded. Even though my phone said they read it. Since I was so mad I went on twitter. I tweeted- Can't even go out without being regonized any more. I sent that out and went to sleep.

Hey guys I really hope you are enjoying the story. I will TRY and update tomorrow.

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