Summer Love~Part One

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Hey readers this is my last chapter. If you are enjoying this story I would be glad to make a squeal. Just let me know in the comments. Thank you all for reading. 

Niallan had in her hand a picnic basket and a blanket. I walked up to the beautiful girl in front of me and smilied

"Hey Niall, You hungry?"

" NO."

" Really."

" I'm Niall Horan I eat all the time."

" Ok lets go eat."

Niallan POV

As Niall and I unpacked all the picnic stuff. I started to realize that I have the best boyfriend ever. I leaned toward Niall and gave him the biggest bone crushing hug I had ever given anyone. With shock of the hug and his bones cracking he fell over. We both her now on the ground,laughing our heads off. We sat up and started eating the food. I brought four boxes of food. Inside the boxes was according to Niall the best food he's ever eaten. The first box had two chicken wraps with crulychips. The next box had ten hot chicken wings and the thrid one had two cobs of corn. The last box had two pieces of choclate cake. 

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you Niallan...You are the prettiest girl in all of London and I will do anything for you since you got me NANDOS!!!!" Niall said super fast and excited

"You could take me to the airport tomorrow."

"Alright...What time?" Niall said sadly

" plane leaves at four so about two maybe."

" where in the united states do you live?"

"I live in Florida why?"

"YES!...We have a concert there."

"Where in Florida?"


"I live in Northern Florida."


About an Hour Later.

Niall and I packed up all the food we hadn't eaten which wasn't much. We walked back to my flat. When we arrived at my flat. I stopped right at my door. I felt tears building up in my eyes and my face getting hot...I turned around and looked at Niall. I said to the blonde irish boy in front of me.

"NIALL HORAN I DONT WANT TO LEAVE YOU!!!!" I know I sound like a three year old right now but I really dont care right now.

Niall pulled me in for a big hug and rubbed my back trying to calm me down.

" Please ... dont do this ... to me love. I'm... I'm going to miss you too."

Niall lifted up my head and put a hand on my cheek, leaned closer to me, and softly placed his lips on mine. It only lastest a few minutes because we heard a little sneeze from behind the corner. We turned around and saw Donyia looking at us with an embarrassed look on her face.

" Ummm... sorry... aaaa... Liam gave me his cold a few weeks ago and ummm... continue kissing." and with that, she lefted.

Niall gave a little chuckle and turned around and stared at me. I looked inside his bueatiful blue eyes and he said.

" Niallan, your better than word can explain and dont you foget it." Niall said staring back into my brown eyes.

Niall put both of his hands on either side of my cheeks and went close to my face making ours heads and faces and noses touch.

" I love you Niallan."

" I love you more."

" I love you most."

He gave me a quick peck on forehead and pulled me into a warm hug. We pull out of the hug and I said goodbye and closed the door. I felt my eyes watering up again.

" No no no. Dont cry Niallan. Niall woundnt want you to." 

I went to my room and started packing my stuff. Oh Im going to miss him.

Hey readers I am going to make  a part two by the end of this week. It will be up no later than Saturday evening. Thank you for all your comments and reads you guys are amazing.

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