Chapter 50

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Julia woke up Friday to Kol smiling at her. "You know how creepy you look? It's 2 in the morning" she asks him as she looks at the clock on her side table. "I think you mean handsome." he tells her kissing her nose making her giggle. "Come on plane leaves in 3 hours and we have to get there and check in." Kol tells her making her jump up. "Paris here we come." she shouts running to her parents room. "Mum Dad wake up it's Plane day." she says jumping on their bed excitedly. "We're up, we're up." Andie says smiling tiredly and sitting up. Damon groans and pulls Julia down tickling her. "Daddy!" she giggled trying to get away.

Everyone meets at the Mikealson Mansion where they're going to head to the airport for the 6 hour flight. "Dad what time will it be in Paris when we land?" Julia asks. "About 2 in the afternoon baby girl." Julia nods "You can sleep on the plane for a little bit sweetheart. But not long otherwise you won't sleep tonight." Andie says once she sees the look on Julia's face. Julia puts her head on Kol's shoulder as they arrive. "Carry me." she says making Kol laugh. "Okay darling." he picks her up and carries her into the house. "Who else are we waiting for?" Andie ask as she puts down the last bag from the car. "Just Bonnie and Matt." Jenna tells her handing her and Damon some coffee. Julia whines "I'm tired." "You can sleep in the car Munchkin." Rebekha tells her handing her a hot chocolate. "I love you Bekah." she sighs after taking a sip. Soon Matt and Bonnie were there and they jumped in the mini bus Klaus had compelled from the school. Kol sits next to Julia who puts her head on his shoulder and falls asleep. As soon as they arrive at the airport Kol wakes her up. She look at him sleepily and smiles. "Come on baby girl." Damon says helping her out the bus. Julia grabs her stuff and they head to check in. Damon answers the security questions and gets everyone's boarding passes. Then everyone gives all their bags over except they're travel on. Everyone goes over to security where they pass their travel on luggage through an x-ray machine, where it's checked for dangerous goods. The officer scans everyones boarding passes which will then be scanned. Before everyone makes their way through the metal detector. Once through they find the boarding gate and go sit near it.

After an hour of Julia reading with Kol they're called to the gate. They show their passports and boarding passes before walking through a tunnel to the plane. A cabin lady shows them where their seats are. "Surprise, surprise Klaus got us first class." Julia says as she hands Kol her carry on. Kol laughs "Don't worry we're taking his jet home as he said he didn't want to use public again. The only reason we're on public is because Andie wanted you to have the experience." Julia rolls her eyes "Of course." Kol helps her with her belt before he does his. Julia pulls the blind up and grabs her camera ready to take pictures and a couple of videos. "Where'd you get that?" Kol asks her "I got it from Jenna for my 11th birthday. I'm into photography so she got me this." she says smiling. Jenna is behind them and pokes her head through "You bought it with you then?" "Yep got to have it for Disney and my first time in a different country. I'm going to document it all." Julia tells her. Soon the plane takes off and Julia films it out the window. She then lies her head on Kol's shoulder and falls asleep.

A few hours later Julia wakes up snuggled into Kol's neck. She sits up properly and looks round to see where everyone is. She saw Jenna and Ric behind her and Kol. In front of her were her parents, with Finn and Elijah in front. Opposite Jenna and Ric were Bonnie and Jeremy, in front of them were Elena and Stefan. In front of them was Caroline and Klaus, with Matt and Tyler in front of them. Finally Rebekha was sat by herself in front of Finn and Elijah. Julia looked at Kol "I'm going to go see Bekha. She's sat by herself." Kol smiles and moves his legs so she can get passed. She walks down the aisle and sits next to Rebekha. "Hey Munchkin." "Hey Bekha. You looked lonely." "Aww you're sweet. You looking forward to seeing where we're staying?" "Yeah no one will tell me anything." "That's the idea." Rebekha laughs and Julia pouts. Soon they only have half hour left on their flight so Julia hoes back to her seat. "You alright Love?" Kol asks giving her a smile as she sits. "Yeah just getting ready to film touchdown." Julia smiles. Damon pokes his head over his seat. "Petite fille. Vous êtes prêt à voir Paris?" (Baby girl. You ready to see Paris?) "Oui Papa." (Yes daddy.)Julia smiles. Kol looks at her "When did you learn French?" "I started a couple years ago and Dad and Eljah helped me this week when you were packing." Kol smiles and kisses her fore head. "Tu es incroyable chérie." (You're amazing Darling. "tu es aussi beau." (You are as well handsome.) Julia films as they start their descent. As they touchdown she looks out the window smiling. "Bienvenue en France amour." (Welcome to France love.) Kol says.

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