Chapter 77

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Julia sits in her art room painting when there's a knock on the door, standing up she opens it to find Klaus "Can I come in pup?" he asks

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Julia sits in her art room painting when there's a knock on the door, standing up she opens it to find Klaus "Can I come in pup?" he asks. Shrugging Julia turns round and goes back over to her painting, Klaus walks in and closes the door behind him "Everyone's worried about you. You want to come to the Grill with me? We can ask Kol to meet us there." he suggests. Julia shakes her head "Okay how about we just do some painting together?" Klaus asks. Nodding Julia hands him a canvas to paint on before continuing with her painting "You should come downstairs at least. Have something to eat." Klaus tells her. Julia shakes her head slightly in response; sighing Klaus puts his paint brush down and walks over to her, crouching down he takes her hands in his and makes her look at him "Pup you need to eat." he tells her gently. "Not hungry." Julia mumbles. "Come on, at least an apple. Or something small." Klaus sighs; Julia nods and lets him pick her up and carry her downstairs.

Once downstairs he sits her on the counter and hands her an apple from the bowl on the side, as she eats it Damon and Bonnie. Looking over they spot a bloody bite mark on Bonnie's neck "We have a problem." Damon says. Julia frowns as Stefan walks in "What happened, I smell blood?" he asks. "Turns out Alaric turned." Damon explains. "What do you mean he turned? I thought you were standing guard." Stefan responds. "Don't blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She fed him." Damon defends walking over to his daughter and kissing her forehead. Julia snuggles into Damon's embrace as she continues eating her apple "I had no idea what was happening. Okay. The witches led me there. They wanted him to feed so he'd turn." Bonnie explains sitting down and drinking the blood Klaus gives her in a glass from his wrist. "So, where's the stake now?" Klaus asks. "Oh, you mean the white oak one? The one that can kill an original and wipe out an entire line of vampires? We don't know." Damon tells him. "If you are so upset with me, why did you let Klaus feed me his blood to save my life?" Bonnie asks. "Because I do stupid things, Bonnie. I do things, like let my friend die with dignity when I should've just killed him." Damon retorts. Julia closes her eyes feeling a headache coming on "Alright. So how do we kill him now?" Stefan asks. "I've been trying to figure that out. A witch can't truly make an immortal creature, there's always a way to undo the spell." Bonnie explains to them. "So, what's the witchy work around?" Klaus asks. "That's the problem. I don't know." Bonnie responds.

Klaus looks over to see Julia's eyes closed, Damon notices his look and looks at her aswell "Little One?" he asks. Julia groans and hides her face in his chest, Klaus walks over and puts his hand on her forehead "It's her banshee side, it's trying to tell her something but it can't for some reason." he tells them. "What do we do?" Damon asks. "Call Finn and Kol over. They're the only ones who tapped into their magic when we were all human. Kol carried on learning stuff when we were turned, he would join covens to teach them old magic and also learn new magic. The two of them should know what to do." Klaus tells them before pulling out his phone and calling Kol "You and Finn need to get over to the Salvatore house." he tells him. "Hello to you too brother." Kol responds sarcastically. "It's Julia." Klaus tells him. "We'll be right there." Kol responds before hanging up. "Let's get her to her room." Klaus suggests. With a nod Damon scoops her into his arms and carries her up to her bedroom, lying her on her bed.

A couple minutes go by before Finn walks in with Kol following him close behind "What happened?" Kol asks immediately going to Julia's side. "Her banshee side is trying to tell her something but it can't for some reason, we don't know why." Damon explains. Kol nods and pulls a grimoire out of the bag he brought with him "I'll go through this and see if I can find something that will help." he says opening it on the first page. "What is it?" Damon asks. "Grimoire full of spells that can help banshee's." Kol responds. Finn looks at Julia "What if it isn't her banshee side?" he asks. "What do you mean?" Andi asks. "What if it's her wolf side?" Finn suggests. "What like her wolf and her banshee sides are odds?" Klaus asks making Finn nod. Kol closes the grimoire and frowns "Kol?" Finn questions. "I have an idea as to what could be happening." he responds. "Want to share with class?" Klaus asks sarcastically. "Mother, she's the only one who has been in close enough range to Julia to be able to do something to her in the last twenty four hours." Kol explains. "Of course, Julia would be able to tell us if something is about to happen. Mother doesn't want that to happen." Finn says, catching on to what his younger brother is saying and making Kol nod. "So Mother has done something to stop her telling us what her plan is?" Klaus clarifies making Finn and Kol nod.

The next day Kol stints by Julia's bed still reading through the grimoires to try and find a way to wake Julia "Here." Andi says walking in and handing him a sandwich. "Thanks." Kol smiles "Anything happening?" he asks putting the book down. "Not much, Elena ended up in hospital last night. She's fine though, Meredith checked her over. Other than that Alaric is taking over the council, Mayor Lockwood and Sheriff Forbes have been relieved of duty." Andi responds making him nod. Just then Andi's phone rings making her pick it up "It's Damon." she says putting it on speaker "What's wrong?" she asks. "Alaric's dead, which means..." Damon starts. "So's Elena." Kol finishes. "Kol it's not just Elena and Alaric... Klaus got caught in the cross fire." Damon tells him. "W-what? N-no, he can't have. If he had you, Stefan, Caroline, Tyler, You'd all be dead." Kol responds. "That's what isn't making any sense to any of us. I'm nearly home we'll talk then." Damon sighs before hanging up.

Damon walks upstairs to Julia's room and in to find Andi asleep next to Julia and Kol still reading "Anything?" he asks. "Nothing." Kol sighs putting the grimoire down "How are you feeling?" he asks Damon. "Alive?" Damon shrugs sitting down. Julia suddenly sits up gasping "Julia?" Kol asks. "We-what happened?" she asks. "You passed out yesterday. Mother didn't want us to know what was happening." Kol explains. "Where's Klaus?" Julia asks. "Little One, he died. Alaric got to him when we were trying to stop him." Damon tells her. "No, he's not." Julia shakes her head. "Julia-" Andi starts. "No, I can still feel him. Beside everyone is still alive, aren't they?" Julia points out. "Everyone but Elena." Damon says. "She's a vampire now. Uncle Stefan is about to call you. It's what woke me up, Elena died but came back. I kinda messes with a banshee's power." Julia explains.

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