Chapter 20

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A few days later morning breaks and Julia wakes up just as Damon walks out the bathroom. "Morning Little One. Get dressed we need to take you to the doctors for your routine appointment." "Okay you seen my blue top? " "It's in the wash wear a different one today and it'll be ready for you tomorrow." he tells her kissing her head. "Alright. Also can you get my meds for me today as I only need my anxiety one this morning." she says before going into the bathroom to get changed. When she leaves the bathroom in a purple top and a pair of blue skinnies Damon hands her a glass of water and her tablet. She smiles and takes it before they head downstairs. Damon goes to the cupboard and grabs a breakfast bar for her to eat on the way to the doctors. They arrive at the doctors and see Dr Tiptree. "Hey Julia Who's this?" she asks as the young girl walks in. "I'm Damon Salvatore. I'm a family friend who's looking after Julia for a while." Damon introduces himself. Julia jumps onto the bed and sits there while Dr Tiptree does the usual physical tests. "So how is the medicine going?" she asks. "It's better now. I'm needing it less often now. I think it's cause Dad spends more time with me than Elena did." she says not realising she called Damon dad. Dr Tiptree smiles and Damon looks at Julia smiling but not saying anything yet. "Okay it all sounds good. Decrease you medicine slowly til you don't need it and come back in a couple of months." "Thank you Dr Tiptree." Julia says smiling and walking out. She races to the car and jumps in the passenger side. Damon laughs and climbs in the drivers seat. "You didn't realise did you?" "What?" "You called me dad." "Oh well you are. You've done more for me than anyone else ever has. My real dad didn't spend a lot of time with me." "Well I'm happy and proud to be your dad and even happier to call you my daughter." he tells her smiling and starting the car.

Once home Damon gives her a drawing project of draw something you love doing and they go and sit with Elena in the cellar. Elena is watching Stefan through the door. "It's so hard to see him locked up like this." she says. "You're the one who locked him up." Damon tells her. "You helped." "I couldn't have him running around chewing on people. While the town was looking for vampires, now, could I?" "It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him?" "Your thing, not mine." he stands up and walks out Julia following him. Damon looks at the object which Pearl gave him,while Julia finishes off her drawing. Elena enters the living room "Did you ever figure out what that is?" "Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work." "Pearl didn't say anything else about it?" "She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but that was a pocket watch. That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist. Have you spoken to your uncle lately?" "I've been avoiding him, actually. That, and I've been here most nights." "So, you'll be here again tonight?" "Is that a problem?" "Yes. You're a complete nuisance." "Heh. See you later." Julia hands Damon her drawing

"It's because I love reading and watching Harry Potter

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"It's because I love reading and watching Harry Potter." she tells him. He looks at her astounded "This is amazing. You know what once you've chosen your room we'll put a door through to the room next to it and it can be your art room." he tells her. "Thanks dad." she says smiling. "On to History. Read these pages and write the key parts down." he says handing her a book and an electronic dictionary that he got her, to tell her what the word is by saying it and what it means. "Okay."

The Story Of Julia (Previously Called The Youngest Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now