Chapter 30

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A couple days later, Damon hears someone knocking on the door, he answers it to reveal Jeremy. Julia stands behind Damon. "I need to talk to you." "And why do I need to talk to you?" Damon tries to close the door on him. Jeremy pushes it back open. "Tyler Lockwood has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet." "Wow, fascinating. Not enough." Damon attempts to close the door again, but Jeremy pushes back. "But Mason Lockwood is and he's looking for a moonstone, a special rock connected to the werewolf legend. That's why he's here." "A moonstone?" "And I know where it is." "And you're bringing me this why?" "Do I need a reason? Look, I just want to help, okay?" "What's your sister say about this little discovery?" Jeremy doesn't answer. "Oh, you haven't told her, have you?" "Well, Elena doesn't want me getting involved in all this." Jeremy tries to walk into the house, Damon pushes him out. "And you're a Gilbert and you just can't help yourself. Wow. Your search for life's purpose is as obvious as it is tragic." "You going to let me in or not?" Damon steps aside. Jeremy walks in and Damon closes the door. Julia giggles and follows Jeremy.

Damon calls Alaric who arrives with a box of Isobel's research. "Ric!" Damon and Julia say, the latter runs and gives him a hug. Alaric sees Jeremy "What are you doing here?" "Helping Damon. I'm the one who found out about the moonstone." Alaric looks at Damon who shrugs. He looks back at Jeremy. "Does Elena know you're here?" "Not exactly." "What you got?" Damon asks as he starts to dig through the box and takes out a book. "This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." "Mmm, Vanessa. The hottie." "Ewwww Dad!" Damon smiles at Julia. Alaric takes the book out of Damon's hands. "Vanessa, yes. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" "Sun and the moon, blah blah blah blah blah." Jeremy walks over to them. "An Aztec curse? Cool." "Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun." Damon wiggles his fingers, showing his daylight ring. "Most of them, anyway." "According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone." Alaric shows him a map, Jeremy takes it and looks at it. It has pictures showing the story of the Sun and the Moon curse. "What do you mean sealed?" Jeremy asks. "It's a witch thing, whatever seals the curse is usually the key to unsealing the curse." "Maybe Mason Lockwood believes he can use the moonstone to break the curse." Ric says. "If we start believing in some supernatural witchy-woo legend from a picture book, we're idiots. Who has the stone now?" "Tyler." Julia and Jeremy say at the same time. "Can you get it?" Damon asks Jeremy. "Yeah." "See, now your life has purpose." "So, you do believe it?" "It's the same book that says a werewolf bite kills a vampire. Ignoring it would make me an even bigger idiot. Let's go. Damon finishes his drink, picks up Julia and walks past Alaric and Jeremy.

They arrive at the Lockwood Mansion and Julia runs off to find Tyler. "Ty-ty." she say as she finds him out the back with Matt. "Hey Squirt." He says picking her up and spinning her. "Hey Matty." "Hey Lee Lee." Matt climbs the ladder and starts hanging up lanterns. Tyler is stands next to him, holding the ladder. "She's this amazing girl one minute and then this raging, jealous freak the next." Matt says talking about Caroline. "Look, you know what I think of Caroline Forbes. She's an insecure, neurotic, bitchy little twit." Tyler responds. "Hey!" "But the girl's got heart. She means well. You just gotta take the good with the bad sometimes." "Yeah. I'm gonna go get an extension cord. I'll be right back." He leaves as Jeremy walks over. "Hey man." "Hey!" "Hey, so I did a little research on that stone you showed me." "What? Why?" "I don't know. Curiosity, boredom." "What did it say?" "Well, it turns out that it's part of this Aztec legend but I want to make sure it's the same kind of stone. You think I could check it out again?" "Nope. I gave it to my uncle." "Why did you do that?" "Because I'm done with legends and curses. I don't want anything to do with it, okay?" "Yeah, yeah sure. It's probably...Just, uh, stupid folklore anyways. Forget it. Julia Damon wanted me take you home to get ready." Julia nods and hugs Tyler goodbye before going with Jeremy.

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