Chapter 28

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The next day Tyler is sat with Julia when Mason walks in "Hey, Mason, got a second?" Tyler aks. "No, man, barbecue at Jenna Sommers' house." "Come on man; give me two minutes, alright? You can't keep dodging me. I'm freaking out over here!" "Tyler, what do you want me to say man? Yes, I turned into wolf. No, it's not gonna happen to you or Julia." "How do you know that?" "Because you're not gonna trigger the curse. Your dad didn't know anything about any of this neither did I until it happened to me." "How does it get triggered?" "Ignorance is bliss, trust me." "You blow back into town with some supernatural family secret and you expect me not to ask questions?" "I can't say anything more, I'm sorry, Tyler. It's just better for you if I don't." "You ever find that moon stone?" "Do you know where it is?" "What's so special about it?" "I told you, it was my mom's. It's sentimental. Look, just don't worry about it. Forget I even brought it up, alright? See you later." He leaves, Tyler takes the moon stone from his pocket and looks at it, he looks at Julia and puts a finger on his lips. She nods and kisses Tyler on the cheek before going after Mason. She grabs her stuff and jumps in his car. "You got everything?" "Yep. Do you know about me?" she asks. "I guessed until I heard you the other day. Your mum was a banshee." "Really what was she like?" "She was sweet, caring, loved nature and was very beautiful."

Soon they arrive at the Gilbert's house and Mason carries Julia in. "Good news! I found the shot glasses! I've also bought a small person." he say entering the kitchen where Elena and Jenna are. "That would be my exit." Elena says making Julia stop smiling. "You're here for 10 minutes and I'm already back under the bleachers at the pep rally." Jenna says laughing. "Like old times, huh? Only I didn't swipe this bottle from my old man." Alaric walks in and Julia jumps down. "Ric!" she says hugging him. "Hey Julia. Oh, the expensive stuff! I like you already." "Just happy to be invited." "Thank Ric, it was his idea." Jenna says. "Really?" "Yeah, you know, I thought it would be nice to meet some of Jenna's high school friends. Dig up a little dirt." "I've got dirt. I've got dirt." "I have no secrets. Only dirty shame." "To dirty shame." They clink glasses as Damon arrives. "Daddy!" Julia says running to him. "Hey baby girl. Have fun with your Brother?" he asks picking her up. "Yeah we watched films, played games..." "And ate a lot of ice cream." Mason adds making her giggle. "Hey." Damon says to the adults. "Damon." Jenna greets. "We were just doing shots. Let me give you a shot glass, buddy." Ric tells him. "Here. Use mine." Jenna says as she and Ric leave. "She doesn't like me very much." Damon tells Mason. "We haven't met. Mason Lockwood." "Oh sure. Damon Salvatore." "I know. I heard great things about you. Especially from Julia." "Really? That's weird. I'm a dick!" "Yeah but you're the best Daddy in the world!" Julia tells him kissing his cheek.

Later they are playing Pictionary, Damon is drawing a wolf with a tutu. "Dress! Ballerina!" Jenna guesses "Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!" Caroline says "No, no." Damon says making Julia giggle. "A dog! Hound-dog!" Jenna guesses again. " 'Dances with Wolves' " Mason says. "Mason wins...again." Damon tells everyone. "How is that a wolf?" Jenna asks. Julia laughs and gets a book from the side, which is her drawing book for when she's round there. "This is a wolf." she says showing them one of her drawings.

"Alright show off

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"Alright show off." Damon jokes tickling her. She giggles and goes to sit next to Mason who pulls her on to his lap. "Any other drawings in there?" he asks her. She smiles and shows him some more drawings.

"These are amazing Julia

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"These are amazing Julia." "Thanks Uncle Mason." she says smiling. Damon puts a pie on the table, with a cake knife made of Silver. "Mason, why don't you start us off?" "Sure." He takes it with his hands, not with the knife. "I apologize, I'm an animal." "So Mason, you and Jenna never dated?" Ric asks. "She was always lost in Logan Fell land." "My first mistake. Mason was a catch; he had girls lining up." "Really? I always pegged you for a lone wolf." Damon says. "I'm sure I wasn't half the lady killer you were. How about a toast? To new friends and family found." he says giving Julia a side hug.

Damon is in the kitchen with Julia when Mason walks in. "Jenna just brought out "Guitar Hero". Might be time to mutiny!" "Well, I just happen to like "Guitar Hero". So you, my friend, are barking up the wrong tree." "Okay. Enough with the innuendos, you win, you're hilarious." "Thank you." "Come on, man. You don't think I know what this barbecue is about?" "How do you know about me? Your brother was completely clueless." "It doesn't matter; I'm not your enemy, Damon." "You tried to kill my brother." "That was a mistake." "Really?" "There was confusion; I couldn't chain myself up in time. I have no control once I shift." "What, no obedience school?" "I'm serious. Let's not spark some age-old feud that doesn't apply to us." "You expect me to believe that you are in Mystic Falls planting peach trees?" "I lost my brother, my nephew lost his father, I finally found my neice. I'm here for my family. Let's be above this." They shake their hands. Mason leaves holding Julia as Damon takes a silverware knife from the cutlery box. "No more takers for drinks at the Grill? It's like I'm with a bunch of adults here!" Mason says as he leaves. "I prefer the term 'role model'." Jenna says. "Okay. Well, thanks for having me, it was awesome. Alaric, catch that game next week?" "Yeah, I look forward to it." "You know, we should probably head out too." Damon says carrying Julia. Mason leaves after kissing Julia's head. "Jenna, you are a wonderful hostess." He kisses her hand. "And you are a terrible artist." "Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?" "I'm still deciding." "Good enough for me. Alaric, let's not catch that game next week." He leaves with Julia waving at Jenna and Ric.

Mason parks his car outside the Grill, gets out and is approached by Damon. "Damon? What? More dog jokes?" "Nah, those got old." He stabs Mason with the silver knife and walks over to and drops the tail of Mason's car. Mason struggles and removes the knife from his chest. "Dad!" Julia shouts helping Mason remove the knife. "You know, I think it was werewolves who started this whole silver myth. Probably for moments like this." Mason closes the tail of the car. "Duly noted." "I was really looking forward to last call. Now you made an enemy. Also next time not in front of Julia she's a kid." Later, Damon walks out of the Mystic Grill carrying Julia, who has just been given an apology ice cream. Katherine is waiting for him "Bad day?" "Bad century. I heard you were on the loose." "What's the matter? Jealous I spent the day with Stefan?" "I don't do jealous. Not with you, not anymore." "Then why so pouty?" "I tried to kill a werewolf, I failed. I then had to buy my Daughter an apology ic cream for stabbing her Uncle. Now I feel like I'm not living up to my best self." "Well, werewolves aren't easy prey." "What do you know about werewolves?" "Why don't you ask your brother? Don't try to be the hero, Damon. You'll end up dead." "Been there, done that. At least this time it'll be worth it." Julia then looks at her phone after it buzzes seeing a message from Tyler "You have to kill a human to trigger the curse. Be careful how hard you scream." she smile "I will night Brother Love you." "Love you too Sis Night."

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