Chapter 19

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Damon and Julia head to the Founders Hall where they meet with Sheriff Forbes and John. "Shouldn't you be in school?" John asks Julia. "Dad-Damon is homeschooling me." Julia says quickly changing what she's saying. Damon smiles and picks her up. "There was a disturbance at the hospital blood bank last night; some of the supply was compromised." Sheriff Forbes tells them. "Should we being talking in front of Julia?" John asks. "I know about vampires and everything to do with it." Julia tells him glaring. "Compromised? You mean stolen?" Damon asks Liz smirking at Julia for what she said. "We almost missed it. The inventory records were altered but when the night manager was questioned he had no recollection of changing them." "Meaning that the vampire who stole the blood used mind control to hide the theft." John says. "I know what you meant." Damon says "We wouldn't have noticed had John not alerted us to recent discrepancies in other hospital blood banks in the county." Liz tells Damon. "How lucky for us, we have John." "We're stepping up security at the hospital, giving the guard vervain to prevent this from happening again." "Sheriff, may I offer a suggestion? Why don't Damon and I put our heads together? We can track down whoever is doing this." John suggests. "Truthfully I can use the extra hands. Is that something you would be willing to do?" Liz asks "Well, of course, I mean if it'll help. Julia can do her English today as it's mainly reading. That way she can come with us if we need to go somewhere." Julia nods smiling at Liz. "I'd like to help Liz." "I think we could make a good team, don't you think Damon?" John asks Damon. "John, whatever I can do to help keep this town safe; even if it means spending time with you." He looks at John and smiles, John smiles too.

Back at the Boarding House someone keeps ringing the bell, Damon opens the door: it's Anna. "I suppose I should be grateful, you learned how to use the bell." "I'm here on behalf of my mother." She tells him as she enters. "On behalf of or in spite of?" "I'm sorry about what the other vampires did to Stefan. Abducting him, torturing him..." "What about Julia she got hurt aswell?" Damon asks as Julia runs to him and holds his hand "It wasn't meant to go down like this." "You're playing house with half of a tomb of really pissed off vampires. What do you think was going to happen?" "My mom is devastated; they tried to over throw her." "Why isn't she here telling me this?" "She doesn't really do apologies." "Well, it's a coincidence, 'cause I don't do forgiveness. Just run along. And if you're going continue playing house with these little vampires pets, you might wanna stop robbing the blood bank dry because they're onto it." "I haven't been to the local blood bank in at least a week." "Then it's one of your others." "The others are gone, Damon." "Well, where did they go?" "They weren't cut out for this town. After what happened with your brother my mom kicked them out and they took off. It's just us and Harper now." Julia rolls her eyes and hugs Damon's arm.

Stefan soon comes home from school and Julia and Damon walk up to him. "How was school?" "Fine." "Yeah? Same old, same old? Nothing new? No stories to bring home?" "You're making small talk, why?" "You seem awfully chipper lately, less doom and gloom, a little more pep in your step." "And you think it's because I drank human blood again." "I don't want to brag but I would definitely take responsibility for this new and improved you." "Well, I hate to burst your bubble but I'm clean." "Yeah, not possible." "Not only isn't possible but it is quite true." "Stefan, just be serious for a second. You spent the last century and a half being a poster child for Prozac and now you expect me to believe that this new you has nothing to do with human blood. Nothing." "I'm clean." "You're lying!" "Believe what you want." Stefan leaves, Damon seems suspicious. "He's lieing I can feel it. Literally." Julia tells Damon. Damon nods and picks her up before going to Stefan's room and hiding in the shadows.

They watch as he hides a blood bag with multiple others. "Well well, he's a liar and a thief. So, when were you gonna share?" Damon says walking out with Julia. "Go ahead, help yourself." "No, no, no I'm talking about the fact that you're a closet blood junkie." Julia snickers and hides her face in Damon's neck to hide her giggles. "So, I'm drinking blood again. You're the one that shoved it on me, what's your problem? I have it under control." "Under control? You robbed the hospital!" "So, what's your point?" "Fine, whatever man, drink up. Just remember, we're trying to keep a low profile. Why don't you just walk up to Sheriff Forbes and ask her to tap a vein?" "Have my actions negatively impacted you? I can't imagine what that must feel like." "Yeah, what's Elena thinks about the" "Nothing's changed; I'm still the same person." Julia rolls her eyes "Clearly." "Elena doesn't need to know anything yet." "You've been off the human stuff for years, Stefan. If you're having trouble controlling..." "I'm not having trouble." "Who do you think you're talking to? I know what it's like. That Jekyll and Hyde feeling, that switch, sometimes it goes off and you snap. Right now is not a good time for me to be worried about you snapping." "I know that it pains you to see this but I'm fine, okay? I'm fine." Stefan takes a pouch from the fridge. "So please, do me a favor and back off." He closes the fridge and leaves. "Somethings going to happen. Nothing good." Julia says shaking.

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