Chapter 102

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Julia sits in Kol's lap, Damian on her lap, as Damon talks to them and Jeremy "So, as we know, in a psychotic lapse of judgment, Bonnie brought you back to life and died in the process

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Julia sits in Kol's lap, Damian on her lap, as Damon talks to them and Jeremy "So, as we know, in a psychotic lapse of judgment, Bonnie brought you back to life and died in the process. May she rest in peace." he starts. "She's actually right over there." Jeremy tells them, motioning to the chair across from him. "Whatever. Look. The whole point is, I just happen to know a supernatural being who just happens to want to die, and in the spirit of nature needing balance and life for a life and all that stuff, I just think it would be a huge waste of a perfectly good death." Damon explains. "What are you talking about?" Jeremy asks. Julia frowns until it clicks in her head "Wait. You want to work with Silas?" she asks her dad. "From the beginning, Silas' whole bad guy plan was to kill himself, pass on to wherever he was gonna pass on to, and reunite with his dead girlfriend, Amara. I want to use his death to bring Bonnie back to life. To die, he has to be mortal. If he's mortal, then he's a witch, and if he dies as a witch then he's stuck on the Other Side forever." Damon explains." He already tried to bring down the veil to the Other Side. He failed." Kol points out. Jeremy starts the paying attention to Bonnie "She knows we can't hear her, right?" Damon asks. "She thinks Silas wants to destroy the Other Side completely." Jeremy explains. "Powerful spells are bound by something even more powerful; the moon, a comet, a doppelgänger. The Other Side was made 2,000 years ago, and it still exists. That means she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long." Kol explains. "Back to my original question. Let's say Silas destroys the Other Side, cures himself, becomes a witch. Is it supernaturally possible that he can do a spell that swaps her life for his life once he, pfft, kills himself?" Damon asks. "What'd she say?" Julia asks, looking at her brother. Jeremy pauses for a moment "She's in!" he tells them.

Julia sits with Kol and Damon at the counter in the grill as Silas walks over to them "So, why did you call me?" Silas asks. "Same reason you answered. You need help, and we're gonna help you." Damon responds. "What makes you think that I need help?" Silas questions. "Well, for starters, you're still here, as in, why do you suck so badly at killing yourself?" Kol responds. "A mystical anchor. That's what binds her spell to the Other Side. I want to destroy it. Qetsiyah, or Tessa, or whatever the hell she's calling herself these days, she wants to protect it. So, she's the only person that knows where the anchor is hidden, but fortunately, she will be at the Whitmore Historical Ball this evening." Silas explains. "Really?" Damon asks. "Mm." Silas nods. "I thought you said you lost all of your psychic powers." Julia frowns. "Oh, I did, but I still have my incredible powers of observation, and I observed her buying a Cleopatra costume today." he explains. "So, we have a deal. When you die, you bring Bonnie back." Damon tells him. "Well, we have half a deal. I'm resurrecting some witch with my death, but we have yet to discuss how you're helping me." Silas retorts. "Well, you've yet to tell us what you want." Damon responds. "Oh, it's fairly simple, actually. I want you to kill your brother." Silas tells him, Julia choking on her drink.

Kol lies on Julia's bed as she walks out her bathroom, wrapped in a towel "You decided who we're going as tonight?" he asks. "I was thinking Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman. An acting couple from the 50's to the 80's, they were married over 50 years and continued to work together til Newman's death." Julia responds, beginning her makeup. Kol smiles and gets up, walking over to her and wraps his arms round her from behind "Sound perfect." he tells her, kissing her neck. "Knock knock." Rebekah says, walking in. "Hey Bekah." Julia smiles. "I bought the dress over that you asked for, I've also bought an outfit for Kol." Rebekah tells her, putting the dress on the bed and handing Kol his outfit. "Thank you, you're the best." Julia tells her best friend/sister. "I know." Rebekah smiles.

Julia and Kol look round the party, trying to spot Stefan "Have I told you how beautiful you look this evening?" Kol asks

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Julia and Kol look round the party, trying to spot Stefan "Have I told you how beautiful you look this evening?" Kol asks. Julia blushes slightly and kisses him "Not too bad yourself handsome." she responds. Looking round they see Stefan talking to Tessa "The girl who wiped my memories." Stefan realises. "Nothing personal, little ex-boyfriend drama. Let me make it up to you. Buy you an 'I'm sorry' drink?" Tessa asks. The couple walk over, Kol putting his hand on Stefan's shoulder "More like an 'I'm sorry' keg." he tells her, leading Stefan into another room where the three of them meet with Damon. "You, my brother, make a terrible wingman." Stefan tells Damon, realising he put them up to it. "Trust me, last guy to hit on her is still paying for it." Damon responds. "So, what exactly, are we doing here?" Stefan asks. "Well..." Damon trails off as Silas appears behind Stefan. "Hello, me." Silas greets. Stefan turns around to look at Silas, Damon taking this opportunity to break his neck. Silas picks up Stefan's leather jacket and puts it on "So you want to explain to me why I just killed my brother?" Damon asks. "Well, Tessa's spell mentally linked us. I lost my psychic abilities. Stefan lost his memories." Silas explains. "And this severed the link?" Damon frowns. "Yes, Damon. I can read your mind again. No. I'm not lying, and maybe you enjoyed breaking your brother's neck just a little bit too much." Silas responds. "Sold." Kol and Julia remark simultaneously. "I'll cozy up to the witch and sift through her mind, figure out where she's hiding the anchor, and you, all you got to do is keep him dead." Silas tells them. "Isn't Tess going to be slightly suspicious when the man whose brain she just fried is all of a sudden showing interest in her?" Julia asks. "Of all the men here, Tessa went straight for Stefan. This face won her heart before. See, a woman never forgets her first love, no matter how badly it ended." Silas responds.

Damon smiles as he watches Kol and Julia dance in the corner of the room, using the music from the party next door. Stefan groans as he wakes up, making the couple walk over "Uh! Hey, hey, breaking my neck, huh?" he asks. "Yeah." Damon responds. "Pumping me full of vervain. All we need is a Damon-sized rationalization." Stefan tells him. "Oh, the new you sucks." Kol tells him. "How would the old me deal with this? Barrel full of laughs?" Stfan asks. "He'd know it wasn't about him." Julia tells him, Damon breaking Stefan's neck again. Kol pulls out his phone, messaging Silas to hurry up "Not going to keep him here forever." Julia sighs, running a hand through her hair. "We'll keep him here as long as possible then." Kol assures her, kissing her head. After a while Stefan's hand moves, his eyes still closed "You awake? Stefan? You alive again? Huh?" Damon asks, tapping Stefan's face. Stefan quickly head-butts Damon away and breaks his neck, quickly speeding over and breaking Kol's neck too "How does it feel, brother?" Stefan asks Damon. Julia gets in the way of the door "Uncle Stefan, please. It's important." she pleads. Stefan ignores her, pushing her to the side and knocking her out.

Julia's eyes flicker slightly as she wakes up "Julia?" Kol asks. "Mhm, what happened?" she asks, opening her eyes and finding herself in her room. "Stefan knocked you out and went to warn Qetsiyah, she dedicated Silas o he is currently downstairs. Also turns out that Maxfield knows about vampires." Kol explains, helping her sit up. Kol tilts his head as he hears something "What is it?" Julia asks. "Someone's downstairs." Kol tells her, gently lifting her and speeding downstairs. "What's so urgent? I'm on the run.
Don't exactly have time for a pit stop. Or maybe I do. Maybe I have all the time in the world. Katherine Pierce eludes death yet again, ha, ha! and you finally did something right for once. How does it feel?" Katherine asks, walking inside and seeing Silas desiccated on the sofa. "Thrilling." Damon responds, giving her a look. "Damon, no." she tells him. Damon super speeds over and grabs Katherine by the shoulders "He needs the cure to become a witch." he tells her, biting into her neck. "Agh! No! No. No. No, Damon. No, no, please! He need all of my blood. It'll kill me, Damon. Damon, please, I don't want to die. I don't want to die, Damon. I don't want to die. Please." Katherine pleads. "Good bye, Katherine." Damon says, grabbing her by her hair and feeding her to Silas. After he feeds, Katherine is dropped to the floor "Please tell me she's dead." Julia remarks. "Do you hear that?" Damon asks. Kol and Julia stop and listen "You've got to be kidding me." Kol says as they all hear Katherine's heart beating. "Takes a licking, keeps on ticking." Damon tells them. Katherine opens her eyes "Am I in hell?" she asks. "No, wish you were though." Julia glares, walking back upstairs.

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