24-- Dionysus Pt 2

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With a single word, Venom's freezing hold was broken. The darkness that consumed her captivating eyes began to dissipate. One word was all it took to halt her sinister schemes on treacherous paths. Her tight grasp on the blade weakened, and it slipped from her fingers, resounding with a clank upon the cold, damp floor.

"Jiahn? Are you there?" Trembling, Taehyung's voice quivered as he turned his head, following the trail of Venom's distinctive scent. His blindfolded gaze appeared to lock with hers as she abandoned her hold on his hair, staggering backward with a profound sense of awe. Against the aged, damp stone wall, her back found refuge, her eyes widening in astonishment.

The expression on Venom's face was an entirely unfamiliar sight. Jungkook watched as she took a step back, unsure if reality had truly shifted or if she had slipped into a vivid daydream. He appeared bewildered and shocked. Amid the room, the other men kept their tongues restrained and their faces composed, guarding against any baiting that might result in a fatal value. Only one person had his sanity at that moment.

Yoongi, unfazed by the trance-like state of the others, approached Taehyung while the room remained gored. He forcefully pulled Taehyung back by his hair, clutching the locks between his fingers. Taehyung winced in pain at the impact.

"Hm, so the little lover boy cares about his little girlfriend more than his own life" Yoongi sneered into Taehyung's ear, causing a shiver to ripple down his body.

"You took her? Y-you... No, please, don't harm my Jiahn" Taehyung pleaded, his voice reduced to a whimper. Yoongi turned his gaze towards Venom, whose eyes remained fixed solely on Taehyung's blindfolded face.

"And who do you think you are to give me orders, hm?" Yoongi tugged Taehyung's hair even harder, eliciting a pained grunt.

"I'm not ordering, Sir... I'm... I'm begging you. Please, let her go" Taehyung sobbed, his broken words escaping his lips amidst the throbbing pain of the blade still embedded in his shoulder and the torment of his hair being mercilessly yanked. His pleas were not for himself, but for...

With each passing second, Venom's face grew paler.

He... he cares.

He cares about-




Why does he care about me!? Seizing her own hair, Venom yanked at the strands, her gaze fixated unwaveringly on the captive before her. However, as Jungkook approached her, something distinct flickered within her eyes, evading his notice until now. A profound frown etched upon his face as he witnessed a glimmer, almost imperceptible yet undeniable, of fear emanating from her honey-colored orbs.

She is scared!? Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes to see this... This fear was not like what her prey showed. It was not the one enclosed between the walls of her playhouse. It was not the one you would feel sitting in those metal leather restraints chairs. It was something else... Jungkook saw it gleaming in her hazel orbs. It was more intense.

Why is she scared?

Seizing Venom by the arm, Jungkook forcefully tugged her along, her unwavering gaze fixed upon the tormented figure now subjected to Yoongi's abuse. Sensing her existence trembling, he remained steadfast in his purpose.

What is happening to her?

Why is she affected like this?

What did Taehyung do to her?

Venom When Dark Love BlossomsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang