2-- Mercy

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Note# Explicit Violence Trigger

The space was filled with heart-wrenching screams and pleas, the air reeked of the metallic smell of blood, sweat, tears, fragrance, and violence. It was dark down here like a coffin with a breathing human nailed close and buried under heaps of dirt.

Like a submarine sunk to the depths of water laying on a dark bed of sand with warm bodies gasping for breath only to become the food for cold bodies.

Like a sewer that carries the sack with a corpse far far away from any recognizing eyes.

Similar was the feeling down here. It was like a pit of hell. The air inside was opposite of the outside, stale and stunk of multiple flavors making one puke. The room held long steel tables at both sides stretched from one end to another, piled with sharp weapons, knives, blades, daggers, swords, guns of every sort, crossbows, machine saws, and chains. The walls holding the foundations of the torture house were old, blood-stained, and covered in worn-out paint. From the ceiling hung a huge bulb, illuminating the room, it flicked several times giving this eerie feeling to the already gruesome environment.

In the middle of the room, a man was tied to a metal chair with leather restraints over his wrists and ankles cutting through his flesh. His exposed existence barely held an inch that was not bruised. Even in the cold inside of this place, sweat rolled down his skin as if open taps of water. His body shook uncontrollably as thick streams of tears continued their journey down his face.

His once blonde soft locks now with a stale color of blood turned brown, vicious dark purple or deep red with yellow outlined marks sat as a crown on his body, the chair was all that held his almost lifeless worn-out structure up. Blood trickled down the steel structure of the chair like water rolling down a window on a rainy day. The man was trembling, his whimpers and hiccups boomed in the silent void earning a sigh from the figure seated on the west of the same room.

"It's no use crying, you are just dehydrating yourself faster" Spoke a feminine voice while her silhouette shifted over the crème couch.

The man only let another whimper slip past his lips, he had no strength left to plead or beg for mercy. The pain was too much to bear that he got knocked out several times, only to be yanked back to consciousness with a stab to his torso. Once again he was dipping in and out from the sea of dizziness, the darkness blinding his vision and threatening to gulp his whole existence this time not sparing a chance to come back.

"Please let me die, I can't bear it anymore" His words stumbled over each other while he choked on the rising blood in his mouth with gurgling sounds booming at the back of his throat.

"I'm afraid I can't, my dear. The time has come to bid goodbye to the masks you wore, accept your sins and receive the punishment. The hell awaits you" The silhouette shifted on the couch and rose standing walking forth with the click of her heels echoing in the silence.

"I-I know, I did wrong, I accept it okay, I shouldn't have attacked the base, but I told you I was paid to do so, I was sent to assassinate Jeon Jungkook-..." A fierce punch to his swollen face left the man biting his tongue between his teeth. He wheezed to the pain that crawled under the swollen skin of his cheek.

"Dare take my brother's name like that again and I will show you my true face."

"Master, I-I accept I've made mistakes, oh so wrong, but now I am on a bended knee to you Venom, I ask for your forgiveness and mercy, please. Take me under your wing and I shall serve you or take my life and end my suffering"

"I have no interest in keeping a parasite in my roots, assassin as you said, all they know is to shoot the target and I know this alluring talk oh so well" The silhouette moved even closer coming in light exposing her existence.

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