20 -- Kim Seokjin

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"Nonsense, This is all bullshit"

With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the packs of photos onto the polished wooden surface of his office table. They scattered haphazardly, revealing a macabre collection of images that shared a common theme - lifeless bodies. Each one was dismembered, their limbs and torsos separated with ruthless precision. The marks on each of them were unique; some bore the etchings of serpentine creatures, while others displayed punctured wounds that spilled out the contents of the body's cavity - tools of all kinds, from small scissors to pocket knives.

The corpses were now tinged with the pallor of death, their once vibrant skin now a stale brownish hue. The bruises that marred their bodies spoke of the viciousness and daring of the person behind this grisly display. It was clear that the perpetrator had spared no effort in bringing his twisted vision to life. As the photos lay scattered on the desk, a chilling reminder of the gruesome fate that had befallen their subjects, a sense of unease settled over the room.

"Why... just why would heartless come after us?"

The old man huffed in annoyance and groaned in surrender, feeling helpless in his attempts to discern the source of his mistake that had earned him the wrath of the top authority. He couldn't fathom how he, of all people, had managed to earn the ire of such a cold and heartless entity. Heartless was shrouded in a cloak of mystery so that even when they stood before you, you couldn't be certain of their true identity.

It was this enigma that piqued the old man's curiosity and lured him deeper into the web of their decision-making process. But it was also this very same mystery that made them all the more vexing and infuriating when it came to dealing with their unintended actions. For the bargainer, it was a never-ending cycle of enticement and exasperation, an unending game of cat and mouse with an unpredictable foe.

"I don't remember doing anything that might pique Heartless' attention, heartless needs big.... Big bloody reasons for that"

Mr. Kim's footsteps echoed loudly in the spacious room as he paced restlessly, his eyes never leaving the shiny wooden table that sat in the center. Every few minutes, he would pass by it, his hands clasped tightly behind his back, his expression wrought with frustration.

The rhythmic sound of his footsteps filled the air, punctuated only by the occasional sigh or huff of irritation. With each lap around the room, his agitation seemed to mount, until it was almost palpable in the air around him.

But still, he kept on pacing, as if the mere act of movement would somehow alleviate his mounting frustration. His mind whirled with thoughts and ideas, each one racing to the forefront of his consciousness only to be quickly discarded in favor of the next. It was a never-ending cycle of restlessness and discontent, one that left him feeling perpetually unfulfilled.

"Why are you so quiet Seokjin, speak" Seokjin stood quietly hands neatly folded and locked in the front, he looked down and momentarily stole glances at the old man.

"FOR FUCK SAKE, SAY SOMETHING" With a sharp turn, the old man strode purposefully towards the figure looming behind him, his teeth clenched tight in a feral snarl. His every step was filled with an undeniable sense of fury and menace, as if he were a predator closing in on its prey.

Despite his advancing years, there was an undeniable strength in his movements, a testament to the fire that burned within him to see his struggles failing. And as he closed the distance between himself and his adversary, that fire blazed brighter still, fueling the flames in his eyes.

It was a sight to behold, the old man standing tall and proud in the face of adversity, his every muscle tensed and ready for action. With each step, he drew closer to his foe, ready to unleash his wrath upon them in a fury of righteous anger.

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