29-- Heartless or Devil's Eye

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Three weeks had passed since the incident took place, and Seokjin had been diligently delving into the matter, conducting his investigation. However, after that fateful night, Mr. Kim unexpectedly confronted him, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

"Adopting you was the most foolish mistake I HAVE EVER DONE. YOU ARE PATHETIC AND USELESS"

The intense hatred in Mr. Kim's eyes toward Seokjin left a deep impact on him. The words spoken during their confrontation continued to reverberate in his mind, causing a profound sense of guilt and anguish. Seokjin felt an overwhelming sense of failure, realizing that he had been unable to fulfill his sacred duty of protecting his beloved "alien," his brother. The weight of this failure weighed heavily on his heart.

I failed once and I'm not going to fail you again my alien. Never.

Seokjin, driven by his solemn oath, put aside everything, devoting himself entirely to unraveling the truth behind the incident, Taehyung's abduction. The younger's recovery progressed rapidly, with his ribs healing well. Seokjin and Jimin assumed the role of caretakers, understanding that Taehyung would only trust and listen to them. They provided thorough care, ensuring his well-being. Though it would typically take months to fully recover, Taehyung showed significant improvement in just three weeks. However, he still needed to recover from the injuries.

All this while, Taehyung stubbornly inquired Seokjin and Jimin about Jiahn. The elder, to encourage the younger's recovery, lied that he had found her safe and sound and assured him that he will let him meet her once he regains his health. The lone promise compelled the boy to eat well, sleep, and take his medications, fueled by the anticipation of seeing the girl again.

Though the former remained unaware of the said girl's whereabouts, he harbored suspicions that the Devil's Eye, the group responsible for Taehyung's kidnapping, was not solely involved in the ordeal. However, his train of thought was abruptly interrupted when his men informed him of a startling revelation concerning the last remaining CCTV footage, causing his mind to reel with newfound uncertainty.

"Sire I think we have something on this one"

That particular night, Seokjin and his crew members arrived at the location to examine the security recordings, only to be met with disappointment. Every camera had been deliberately disabled, erasing any potential evidence of the events that had transpired. However, amidst the wreckage, they discovered one remaining piece of crucial evidence, a glimmer of hope in their quest for answers.

"Play it"

The CCTV seemed to be placed on the corner wall viewing the backside of the school. The camera was not too high and that led the masked man to throw a fist and think it was gone but the crooked eye still kept watching and it watched more than it should have.

As the video played, a girl emerged from beneath the camera's view and continued walking ahead. She glanced back, her face partially obscured from the camera's angle. The former's attention waned at the sight of the girl, as his focus shifted to the arrival of the person who held the utmost importance in his life.

Seokjin's grip on the table tightened, his nails digging into the wooden surface as he watched the horrifying scene unfold on the monitors. His eyes locked on Taehyung, who was oblivious to the approaching danger as he looked around. Seokjin's heart sank as the man swiftly captured Taehyung, overpowering him despite his struggles. The glitching video intermittently displayed the distressing sequence, but the crucial moments were still visible.

A surge of despair washed over Seokjin as the girl reappeared, seizing Taehyung by his hair and plunging something into his neck. The attack caused Taehyung to lose consciousness, rendering him helpless as they forcibly took him away. The video now depicted an empty scene, leaving Seokjin to peer intently, his mind delving into the depths of anguish and unanswered questions.

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