30-- Be Mine

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It's been so long

Seems like ages went by

Yet here I stand again

So close to you

Yet you still don't know Kim Taehyung

Venom let out a soft sigh, her emotions weighing heavy on her as she stood in the doorway of the balcony. A conscious effort to contain herself, not wanting to disturb the serene and innocent expression on his face as he peacefully slept. The boy named Kim Taehyung. The moonlight streamed through, casting a gentle glow upon her figure, its rays that invaded past her gently caressing his features.

The door that had once served as the entryway for her to kill the boy now allowed her to see his very much live figure measuring every breath with the span of life. Despite learning the truth, she had not completely vanished, often lingering in the shadows near his house. But, when it came to actually trespassing into his space, her heart restrained her. The fluttering at the mere thought of intruding on his slumber held her back, creating an internal struggle within her.

The thought of seeing him again.

The thought of being close to him.

The thought of remembering everything she did to him. She hurt him and that was unforgivable even by herself.

Yet here now she stood again.

It became harder the more she stayed away and finally, she accepted that she couldn't stay away from him.

So once again, in the cover of darkness, she crept up the same balcony, the same path. From a hidden holster under her skirt, she retrieved a gleaming blade, a tool of her trade. Unlocking the door, allowing herself entry into his space yet remaining unaffected in the same space as him was a daunting task. The familiar surroundings stirred a whirlwind of emotions within her, causing her heart to race and her stomach to flutter. Venom was now aware of what was happening to her, understanding the nature of these feelings, but she purposefully avoided acknowledging the truth — that she cared, that she liked him.

I care for you. Could it be that I like you too? I can't fall in love with you, right?

I love you Jiahn. As she stood there, arms crossed over her chest, leaning against the door frame, her gaze fixated on the peaceful form of Taehyung, a voice echoed within the corridors of her mind palace. It whispered reminders of the past, the past that came with caring, and the potential pain that awaited those who dared to open their hearts. The voice urged her to decrease her distances, to unleash her emotions concealed and lower down her guard up. It resonated with her, tempting her to break the familiar walls she had built around herself, shielding her from the complexities of emotions.

He loves Me. And I- Do I love him back?


Why so unsure? Do you care for him?



I like him. Maybe?

Maybe? Are you sure?

"I- I like you" she mumbled softly unknown to how her gentle murmurs knocked at the boy's slumber faintly.

Taehyung squirmed in his sleep, curling up to shield himself from the cooler air that seeped in through the open door, Venom couldn't help but notice his shivering. Her heart softened, and she took a step closer, her long hair cascading at her sides. With a tender gesture, she bent down and reached for the corner of the blanket, gently pulling it up to cover his body once more, ensuring he stayed warm and comfortable. At that moment, her caring nature momentarily broke through the barriers she had erected around herself, and she allowed herself to show a side of her that she usually kept hidden.

Venom When Dark Love BlossomsWhere stories live. Discover now