Qing: Yes. But they do visit us from time to time. Dayu and I stock up in treats and dog food for them. If we are visiting my parents, we take dog food there as well.

XB: Looks like nothing is expired here.

Me: Of course nothing is expired...(taking a deep breath) Out! All of you out of my pantry! Now!

I pushed them all out of my pantry. A lot of them grumbled as I shoo them away from my food stock. Joi and Yao went to the balcony to inspect my plants while the others continued the debate about breakfast.

MD finally recommended a sandwich place just ten minutes away from our location. And BBoy just ask for some ramen for hot soup.

Qing and Xi went out to buy the sandwiches while I went back to our room to find a little peace. But I think I only spent two minutes of peace there when I heard some loud crash from the outside. I quickly ran back out to see what is going on.

My pans and pots were on the kitchen floor as BBoy, XB and Yanyan gave me guilty looks.

Yanyan: We are looking for a pot to use to cook the ramen.

Me: How many ramen will you cook?

XB: I think five will do. What do you think guys?

BBoy: Make it six.

Me: Use the biggest one.

BBoy picked up the biggest pot I have. I use that pot to boil pasta and for pot roast.

XB: We will clean this up, Dayu ah.

Me: (nodding) I know you will guys. The bowls are on the second drawer to the left.

Yanyan: Thanks, Dayu.

I left them to do their ramen cooking. They'll probably empty my food stock this weekend but what the heck, Qing and I will just do some grocery shopping again.

I just wish they will be quiet while cooking. But while they boil noodles with seasonings that are probably filled with msg and preservatives, they kept on asking me to use things. Like...

"Dayu ah! Can we add the sausage in your fridge to our ramen?"
"Oh, Dayu...you have kimchi here, can we eat this with the ramen?"
"Dayu ah! Where is your potholders and coasters?"

They are worse than Qing in searching for things. Except I cannot blame them because how will they know where to find things in a place that is not their home? And also, who will they ask where to find things except for the owner of the house? Which is me...


Anyways, I am so glad when Qing got back from his food errand. He remembered to get my favorite BLT sandwich. I enjoyed my food but not watching Qing and his friends threw wrappers around and splash ramen soup on our dining table.

The last straw was when Xi and MD crashed against my herb pots because they are pushing each other while in a tight space.

The resounding crash of the ceramic pots where my herbs were planted boomed in the kitchen.

MD: Shit!

Xi: Oh no. Sorry Dayu ah...

I am heartbroken. My rosemary plant is growing steadily but now it's on the floor with the rest of her herb brothers and sisters.

Me: (sighing) You all are worse than Kuai and Kuangnu.

I said that before turning away to pack some essentials on a bag. I will not stay in this house with them. I can't. I will perish ahead of my time if I will stay here.

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