Chapter twenty nine

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Daniel's POV

Getting off the phone with the police, tears streamed down his face. Finding out that his wife was slaughtered in her car in the school parking lot yesterday, it hurt him, broke him. What about his daughter? What was her reaction?

The poor girl must be devastated.

First his friends died, then Maya was slaughtered. What's next, someone else got attacked or died?

Why him?

He has a feeling that Nik has got something to do with it. A hunch zipped through him that it was Nik who killed her. He hated them and wanted revenge on Daniel. So it's possible that he killed her. Makayla also got off the phone, bouling.

"What happened to both of you?" Autumn asked.

"My wife died yesterday as she got into her car. A teacher found her partly laying on the driver's seat." he explained how the teacher found her, thinking she took drinks as she was working late yesterday. The teacher thought that she was asleep until she came up to the door seeing her dead. Her skin was as white as a sheep's wool, and called the cops. "She's been dead for over eight hours. She was last seen by a teacher who was leaving to go home."

"I'm so sorry. What about you, Makayla? Was that the cops too?"

She nodded, trying to take deep breaths. "Ashton, my son, died yesterday with his girlfriend. A worker was going to the storage room at the Tri, this morning, finding them dead with their throats slit."

Autumn held her hand as Daniel held her. They both lost someone yesterday. "They also said he's been dead for over twelve hours."

In a span of hours, three people had died. Plus last night's' kill. Daniel and Makayla weep together as Autumn sat there helplessly holding her hand.

Soon enough, he got a call from Maya's mom telling him that she will drop Lily off.

Coming in the day, he met her mother at the front. Ready to give her a hug. Holding her mother in his arms. Lily stood beside them, holding her father's leg. Releasing her, she left without a word, he took Lily and went inside. Carrying her sad daughter to his room, he closed the door and held her sobbing child.

"I know . . . it's sad. I miss her too."

Lily sobbed in his shoulder as he rocked back and forth, soothing her. "You're going to stay with me until I can have someone pick you up." Daniel whispered in her ear. She hugged tight around his neck.

After Lily calmed down, he called Owen, his best friend since he was seven or so. "Hey, Marley."

"Hey, Carmin."

Marley and Carmin are nicknames Owen and Daniel would call each other back then when they would go out to kill.

"Can you do me a favour?"


"Tonight, around seven, can you come and pick Lily up, please?"

"Sure, where?"

"At Whiterock in Spruce."

"Sure. Seven you said?"


"Okay, I'll be there tonight. Good to hear from you."

"Good to hear from you too."

Rocking his baby girl back and forth until nearly asleep. "Daddy?"

"What is it, darling?"

"I'm thirsty."

"What would you like?"


Daniel walked out of the room carrying Lily as they headed down the hall. Walking into the green pod, Kyra and Jaydon looked terrified. "What's the matter?" he asked. 

"This guy. Dressed in blue and an oilers hat with shades came up to us and asked us what we were doing. We walked away and I think he followed us, we lost him when we came through the entrance." Kyra explained.

"That's good that you left as soon as you could. Anyone suspicious looking or unusual doing, get away as possible. You did the right thing leaving."

"Thanks, Daniel." Jaydon said. Daniel smiled before heading into the food room. Getting juice from the fridge, he set her on the counter to pour her a glass. He gave it to her and she took a drink before setting it down on the counter.


She nodded. "That's good. Tonight, Owen is coming to pick you up. It's too dangerous for you to stay here."


"But you get to spend the day with me."


"So, bugger, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Who were those kids out there?"

"They are part of the games I'm in. Kyra is Makayla's child."

"And the other?"

"A random kid that I don't know very well who got entered. I don't know him personally, though."

Lily took another sip of juice, finishing the cup. "I'm done, daddy."

"That's good, you want more?"

"No thanks."

Nik's POV 

Sitting at his desk, Nik looked out the window of his home. Watching the people walk or drive by. Making plans of what will happen to the games. Taking his attention back to the computer where he has a doc open to make plans. Nik has scratched many ideas from surprising them to killing all in one night.

Every idea that he thought of Nik scratched.

His phone rang, checking the ID caller. His girlfriend.

"What's up?"

"Hey, Nik. I know you said soon and you'll let me know, but when can I do it? I'm tired of just murdering, I want some real fun."

"Hey, I'm just brainstorming what you could do, if you can help me, you can do it tonight."

"Ooh yay!"

He could imagine how happy she is. "Okay, where do we start?"

After two hours of trying to figure out what to do, Nik was about to give up when she had a great idea.

"How about I do my kill tonight, and when the other killer comes into play, he likes to come and visit me after my kills. We talk for a bit then I snap trying to kill him. Making sure that he wakes everyone up, if not I will, then everyone will be up and wondering what the ruckus is, then I'll chase them out of the school chasing them in the night. How does that sound?"

"That sounds great. Then I'll come and take care of Daniel."

"Perfect. So I get to do it tonight."

"Yes you can."

"Eeeek! I'm so excited!" Nick smiled as he heard her excitement. "They won't know what's coming."

"No . . . no they won't."

"Hey, I've got to let you go, the others are coming."

"See you tonight."

"See you tonight."

Clicking off, Nik sighed looking at the computer, then outside. The sun shone from the window, letting the light leak in. Tonight will be an amazing night. A night where no one will forget. Tonight they will know who he really is. Daniel will know who he really is and what he can really do. He will forever remember this night for as long as he lives.

"Daniel, you better watch out. You won't know what and who's coming for ya."

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