Chapter seventeen

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Autumn's POV

Autumn walked down the hall to the food room for lunch with just the adults. The teens could have lunch for themselves as they please. Walking into the room with food on one of the counters, Autumn walked up and grabbed a plate to dish herself up, then sat down with the others, joining in their conversation.

Autumn's glad that Makayla is eating after this morning's tragic event. Even though she's not talking, at least Makayla is with them, scanning everyone at the table before looking down at her food. At least she's not dead, which means one day closer to the end and living.

At this point, she doesn't care who dies now, it's all to herself. Every man for themselves at this point. It's almost been a week since they've been here. Autumn stays quiet through lunch.

Putting her plate and fork in the dishwasher, she walks out, heading outside into the cloudy day. She leans against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest, staring into the grey sky. She laughed to herself as Autumn's mind how all the deaths of people, how they have gone to either heaven or hell. She wants to stay alive this time and not get injured.

It's her turn to live and everyone else dies.

It's their turn to suffer.

It's her turn to win it all.

Ethan came out the doors to stay for awhile. "Hey, Ethan."

"Hey, Autumn. Such a really nice day." Ethan said with sarcasm in his speech. "Yeah . . . really nice day." Autumn mumbled. They stood there staring at the blank, grey sky. No colour whatsoever. Drops of rain began to fall down on them until it started pouring, then thunder and lightning appeared in the sky. They walk in the school drenched. Ethan walked into his room getting changed, as she did the same, walking down the hall to her room in the blue pod.

Leaving a trail of water from her shoes and drenched clothes dripping, she entered the room and closed the door, undressing herself, fishing in her suitcase for clothes. Taking a shirt and skinny jeans, Autumn threw them on, then headed back out to meet up with Ethan. Walking down the quiet hallway, the lights flickered out into pitch black. Standing in the middle of the hallway, she sees an image of some sort of figure, flicking to life infront of her. Hearing screams, the tall, bloody figure is now visible for her to know who it is.


He screamed at her. "You betrayed us!"

He lifted a bony, bloody finger at her before running to Autumn, screaming in a high pitched voice like he's about to die.

Crashing into Autumn, Hunter raised his hands before blacking her out in one punch.

Makayla's POV 

I sat with Daniel in his room as the storm was bazark outside. I sat on the couch as he changed his shirt. I felt like being with someone close to Kylo. As close as I can get. Sure Daniel understands, hoping he enjoys my company.

He then sat down beside me on the couch and stared into my eyes, locking gazes.

"Do you want something? Water, or . . ."

"No thanks." I say politely.

I'm still trying to cope with the death of Kylo this morning, but with being around Daniel makes me feel like Kylo's presence is still here. Soon enough I will forget about it and move on. Daniel and Kylo were great friends throughout the years. Basically friends since the last killing spree. I've known him since the last killing spree. "Umm . . . Makayla?"

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