Chapter twenty one

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Ethan's POV

Sitting with the others during dinner, he ate his food with many questions racing through his mind.

Who is Nik?

What does he want?

Who's going to die next?

What's going to happen to Daniel if Nik takes his revenge?

What will happen to all of us?

As Ethan ate his dinner, the others talked about the seriousness of Nik escaping jail, and ended up hurting them.

After finishing dinner, he set his plate in the dishwasher and set off to his room. He needed to be alone for a while to think of uncertain things. Ethan wasn't quite sure this is the same as the last game. Something felt different this time round than the last time. Everyone is hiding something they shouldn't. Or so that's what it feels to him. Before, someone hides something. The kids are keeping to themselves and showing almost everything to each other. No one has asked them or given them advice on what to do. He and the others had experienced this before, so they are kind of an expert.

But the thing he hates most of all, is Kylie is spending time with Izzy and them. Being a bad influence on her as he is trying to make her a good person. Who knows what they are doing to her.

Making her vape or smoke or worse . . . drugs.

He shook the feeling off and shut the door. Just then, all of the train of thoughts disappeared into thin air. His daughter sat on the couch curled up. "Hey honey." Ethan said coming in, then he sat down beside her stroking her back. Kylie sobbed into her legs. "What's wrong?"

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?"

Concerned rolled onto Ethan's face within seconds. She curled into him and sobbed. It felt great holding her again.

When Kylie was a baby, he couldn't get enough of holding her, he was proud. Feeling her in his arms made her safe from the outside world. Protected from the cruel world that laid within. When she was very young, she would curl into Ethan and Mary when there was a thunderstorm, when she was scared of something in her closet or under the bed, or when she was sick. Ethan remembered those days, being a great father a child has ever had.


"Daddy!" Kylie cried. He got up in the middle of the night to see what's wrong with his little angel. "What's wrong?" he asked, yawing. "I'm scared."

"You're scared?"


"How come?" Ethan walked over to the bed and layed down, curling her into him.

"I closed my closet before bed, and when I woke up, it was open." she pointed over as he looked over to the door, opening a crack. He got up to shut it, then layed back down. "I'm scared someone's in there and going to hurt me."

"No one's going to hurt you, I promise that won't happen. Not to my little girl."

Kylie curled into his warm body and fell asleep within minutes.

Ethan got up slowly, tucked her in then went about to his room and slept for the rest of the night.


Since then he's kept his promise. Even though he's not a cop, he will do anything to keep her protected from the cruel world. "It's the others."

"What about them? What did they do to you?"

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