Chapter eight

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Autumn's POV

She sat around the purple pod with the others. Talking about the past of the games. They caught up with her and all the things that happened while she was gone. Then afterwards, she explained what happened. Everything that she's been through. "Never mess with Autumn!" she screamed.

"I want to make it out of here alive without anyone attacking me." Autumn said with confidence. She wants to live instead of getting injured, let's hope that she lives through the two weeks.


Everyone had dinner in the foods room, talking about what it may be like. This will be their last full meal together as a whole before someone goes down tonight. Every second of every minute that passes, Autumn's heart skips a beat for nervousness. She remembers the first night like this. Autumn couldn't sleep until morning. When she found out that she survived the first night, Autumn was very appreciative that Miles volunteringly died first. Even though he died a tragic death, he did deserve it.

Just thinking about getting Autumn all hyped up. She could tell that the others around her are nervous too, more so on the adults since they've been through this before. Glancing out the small, rectangle window above the sinks, the sun is setting, which means it's almost time for the killings to start. Watching the sun set very slowly, Autumn gets up to place her plate in the sink.

Sitting back down at the table where the other five are, she listens deeply to the conversation, wiping her mind from the past of what she's been through so far. No matter how hard she tried to forget, it came back to haunt her and the rest of them.

Sitting at one of the tables, she watched youtube for the remainder of the night. When it's time for bed, Autumn dresses into her pajamas snuggling into the couch. Autumn dozed off into space as she thinks of what is going on. Thinking about everything that happened, all the events that lead up to now. Resting, Autumn fell asleep in no time. Thinking of how she could live and she couldn't live. Wondering if she'll make it through the first night.



Waking up in a jolt, Autumn ran out of the room with others peeking out with confusion. Some of the others come running into the blue pod with fright. "What happened?" Autumn asked in fright. "I heard screaming." Jesse cried, everyone came but one person. Jaydon went into someone's room. "AHHHH!"

He came out with a terrified look. Autumn knew then and there that someone died.

"He's . . . he's . . . dead," he said with trembling words, pointing with shaking fingers. 

"Who died?" Daniel asked.


Kylo's POV 

"Everyone, calm down. Let's go back to bed and we will sort this out in the morning." Kylo commanded, assuring everyone that it will be okay. Everyone headed back to their rooms in each pod. His daughter trailed behind him and his wife. Hearing his daughter weeping in the background, he and Makayla turned around. "What's wrong?" he asked. She shook her head wrapping her arms around herself. "I can't . . . I can't do this. I don't want to die."

"Aww, Kyra. Come here." He held his arms wide for her to go in. She walked to him, burying her face in his shoulders. "It's going to be okay, darling." Makayla said in a soothing voice. Makayla stroked her back, calming her down. Kylo felt her breath uneven as she sobbed into his chest. "Don't worry, the kills are done so no one will come and get you. I promise." Kylo assured her. He kissed her on the forehead, then Makayla did the same. "It's going to be alright, sweetie. We've been through this before. You're going to live, we won't let you die."

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