Chapter five

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Kylo's POV

Kylo sat at his desk working on some worksheets. Finding out that his daughter committed theft, and is now going to the killer games, it makes him uneasy and hard to concentrate on what he's supposed to be doing. Of course he is disappointed that Kyra committed a crime, especially such a young age. His boss came in to tell him to go have a break. Nodding at his request, Kylo packed up his things and went off. For his hour and a half, he drove around time in his car. Stopping at Walmart to get a sandwich in a container. Waiting in line, he gets a message from Carl.

There's a letter for you at the station.

He replied okay and will be there soon. Paying for his food, the cashier tried not to eye him because he is still in his cop clothing. "That'll be five- fifty six, officer."

He smiled paying for the food. "Thanks." Kylo said, then taking the food and left. Exiting the building, heading off to his cruiser, he felt strange. Something wasn't right. Having a hunch that someone is following him. Turning back, he found no one, only the people heading in and out of the building. Turning back, I kept going to the car. Getting in, he turned on the engine, slamming his door, buckling his seatbelt, he backed out of the parking space and left.

Driving into the parking space, Kylo hopped out carrying his sandwich. Entering the station, Carl came up to him with the letter. "Thanks." He left for his office with the letter and his lunch. Sitting at his desk eating the sandwich, curious, he opened the letter. Kylo never gets mail at the office so this is new. Reading the letter gave him a shock, nearly choking on his food. Grabbing the nearest napkin, he spit the food into it before he died. Reading the note again, it shocked him more. Knowing he's going back to the one nightmare he even had, traumatized him for a few years, even into his adulthood. Knowing that he will be going back to Whiterock to relive the biggest nightmare. 

None of the survivors recovered immediately. The survivors took a certain amount of years, fifteen to be exact, to recover and move on with their lives. Kylo still has nightmares to this day. He still has nights where he can't sleep thinking someone would kill him in his sleep. Knowing that his wife and daughter are going back there just horrified him, yet him coming in, feels a bit better, but not fully. What about his son, Ashton? Will he get a letter saying he will be joining the killings?

It scares him for just that. Too busy in his train of thoughts, he got interrupted by Chad, his boss. "Sorry to interrupt, but we have a runner from a murder as we need you."

"I'm coming."

Leaving the note, he rushes to get outside and meet up with Harley. She got in the driver's seat and drove off with Kylobuckling his seatbelt. Racing through the roads with the sirens on made them faster to get where they need to be. Racing through the neighborhood, they stopped at the house to find the killer coming out. Jumping out grabbing their guns. "Hands in the air where we can see them!" Harley shouted. The killer raised his hands immediately stepping backwards to the house. "Freeze!" he yells. He did. Pointing the gun at the killer, Kylo walked up, gun still pointing at him, taking his hands behind his back and slapped handcuffs on him. Walking him to the car, Harley opened the door, shoving him inside the car. They hopped in and drove off doing what they needed to do. 

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