Chapter eighteen

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Killer's POV (Very violent view, skip to the end of the killing)

Night rolled around, the quietness took over the school as everyone slept. Everyone except her. Tonight is the night to kill, thinking of sticking to her own kind. After last night's killing, it got her pumped up for tonight. She got a lot of sleep, which meant she went to bed around eight or so.

She will show him that girls can be killers too. Roaming through the hallways silently as a mouse. Entering the blue pod, she snuck into one of the rooms where someone lay on the couch and slept peacefully.


Opening the door, she peered through before entering, making sure it's all clear. Sneaking in, getting the rope and cloth ready. Crumpling the bloody cloth in a ball, she stuffed it in her prey's mouth. Wrapping the rope around, Jesse woke up and started to panic, screaming, punching and kicking for freedom. Holding her down, she finished wrapping the rope around her head. Squirming, Jesse tried to scream and make as much noise as she possibly could.

Pulling the butcher knife out from the belt showing it to her. In shock, Jesse had wide eyes and shook her head as the killer swayed it back and forth in front of Jesse's face. The killer then traced a circle with the tip of the blade around the heart. She could feel the weakness in Jesse, feeling her struggle as she pinned her down. After a few traces of the heart, she moved downward to her legs, zig zagging down to her feet.

There, she punctured a hole and moved upward, making it very deep. Slicing her up to her chest, she did the other side, connecting the first line at her waist.

She managed to get to her heart and cut a circle around it, then taking the knife out hearing Jesse's gasps and gags. Then she punctured a hole in her heart and twisted the knife. Hearing the last sound of Jesse before she fell into a deep, deep, eternal slumber.

(End of killing)

She took out the knife and left the room. Shutting the door quietly and softly, she turned around to see the other killer standing there, arms behind him.

She jumped at the sight of him, realizing that it's the other killer, placing her hand on her heart.

"You scared me."

"Oh did I? Sorry."

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard wrestling and scratching so I decided to take a peak. Finding you in there doing your role. Good job."

"Thanks." she said, not even excited one bit.

She walked back into the hall, but instead of going back to her pod, she headed into the front foyer, going through the doors to the outside knowing he would follow. "Where are you going?" he hollard from behind.

"Outside if you want to join." Pushing through the doors, the fresh air and darkness lingered all around her. Joining her, he stood beside her. "Alright, last night's kill that you did was kind of horrifying."

"How was it horrifying?"

"This one girl . . . oh what's her name . . . Kyra was really hurt."

"I know. But I had to do just that. People are going to die anyway."

"I know that. That's why you stick with killing men and I stick with killing women, so we don't get each other."

"Oh, I wish I thought of that before."

"Shut up."

He laughed. "So I'm not supposed to ask this to a woman, more like no man should ask this, but how old are you?"

"I'm not telling you my age."

"Okay then." he exclaimed. 

The wind blew, knocking off their hoods. "I'm going back inside and getting some sleep." she said. "Oh, okay. Well goodnight then."

"Night." She left him standing in the cold air.

On the walk down through the hall, she thought about him. Not in a feelings way, but how he is so nice and cheery even though he's a killer. Tomorrow night, even though it's his night, she'll go and visit him since he does the same. She should've stayed longer with him, but she's so tired, that the killer could barely walk, let alone stay awake.

Closing the door behind her, she stripped out of her killer clothing and fell asleep instantly after hitting the pillow.


The next morning as she woke up slowly, she got dressed in her everyday clothing. Checking her camera on her phone to see if she's got any blood stains, then headed out of her room to get breakfast. Entering the hallway, she heard a screech coming from the blue pod, everyone else that was in the hearing distance ran towards the room as well. Running, everyone enters and gathers around the body.

"What happened?" she asked, acting dumb.

"It's Jesse . . . she's dead." Izzy cried.

She moved inward and spotted the body. The slices she made last night look beautiful and terrific. She's very creative when it comes to killing. Beat that killer boy, she thought.

Smirking to herself about the kill she did and she's proud of it. All the hard work of killing last night paid off.

Izzy's POV

Izzy cried, and cried, and cried. Jesse is gone because someone so careless and selfish wants to win. Although they weren't close or best friends, she still mourned her. Everyone mourned her. They sat in the gym, some of them went to eat as the rest stayed behind in the gym. "Jesse was a great friend." Kylie said.

"I know she was." Izzy replied, sobbing with a kleenex by her eyes, wiping away tears. Kids are leaning against each other's shoulders and crying. It's horrible.

The others came back from their breakfast, ready to cry and mourn with them. They sat down beside the bleachers. Everyone is quiet, only the sobbing fills the room.

Almost lunch as Izzy is in her room playing games on her phone. Everyone went their separate ways after everyone met in the gym. Depressing music played in the background as she played, trying to entertain herself. Izzy didn't like reading at all. Despised reading. In the middle of her game, someone knocked on the door.

Ignored it.

Another knock on the door.

Ignored it once more, turning up her music.

A third knock on the door.

Izzy got frantic and yelled, "Go away! I'm not in the mood!"

One more knock irritated her. "Okay, I don't care who you are but stop! I'm not in the mood, bastard!"

Another knock upon the door. Izzy stood up furious. "Okay, bastard. I swear to go that I will ki-" she opened the door to no one there. Looking all around the pod, no one appeared in her vision. Closing the door behind her, the phone rang to an unknown number. It's around her area, Izzy decided to answer it.


"Hello, Izzy."

A deep, male voice answered on the other end. Chills raced through her spine. "Who is this?"

"Why, I'm your worst nightmare." A shrill laughter filled the phone, echoing in her head. "You know, Izzy, you should start to behave and respect your friends and other people around you. Talking behind people's back is very naughty, and may get you dead." Another laughter. "Talking behind Jesse's back got her killed, even though you were friends. You always talk behind peoples back no matter if they're friends with you or not. Soon enough the people who you despise will die, and so will you. So be nice to people or the fatal death will be in your hands, and you'll be the reason why your friends die. You'll be responsible for their deaths. Not me, not the adults, and not your friends. So be aware."

"Why? You're killing them."

"Who said anything about me killing them?"

"I don't know."

"Be aware, Izzy." the deep, harsh voice said before clicking off. 

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