Upon hearing what just A said, Byawl just keeps her mouth shut and focuses again to the one talking in front.

'I wish he will be my seatmate even here in the right side seat next to me. Waaah, it is better if it there’s no aisle that would separate us or a way much better if he will replace Byawl. Mianhe, Byawl. Omo! I’m so bad now. What’s happening to me? Why am I so desperate?'  She keeps on staring to the guy with a beautiful smile which could makes her faint right away.

A’s foolishness stops when everyone is laughing at Amira who unknowingly speaks her mind loud enough for others to hear. She then turns around since Amira was just sitting at her back.

“Kyaaa! Are you that desperate to become Jjang’s girlfriend to the point you asked him in front of the class?”

With disbelief in her eyes, Amira faces her. “Omo, did I really said it that loud?”

“Ye, what’s happening to you, Unnie? Hmmm, don’t tell me you are daydreaming again?” Byawl asks with amusement in her face.

“I’m still not thinking about it right now, but since you’re offering yourself, it’s fine with me,” Jonghyun grins.

Their talk is cut by their adviser, Mrs. Bong Cha. She is teasing the newly love birds in the classroom. She also let Jonghyun sits beside Amira. When it is Kim Kibum’s turns to decide where he should sit, A crosses her fingers underneath her arm chair hoping that her dream will come true. Luckily, she gets what she wanted!

'Chincha? Kim Kibum will sit next to me, to my right side? This is great!!! Kyaaaa!!! It’s time to shineeee!' A is undeniably happy which is perfectly shown in her smile. She never stops smiling since Kim Kibum stands in front of the class.

A absolutely knows she is shivering, nervous how to start a conversation with her dream boy. Luckily enough for her, she is able to speak fluenty when Kibum finally reaches his seat.

“Annyeong Haseyo? My name is Min-Young. It’s good to have you as my ‘a bit distant seatmate.” A greets him when he is just about to put down his bag.

“Just when have you become Min Young, A?” Princy teases her while chuckling.

Kibum didn’t even pay attention to these two noisy girls. He seems enjoying with the atmosphere.

“Kyaaa!!! It’s my real name, how could you forget that?”A really wanted to pat Princy’s head just like she used to do. But since with Kim Kibum is here beside her, she just throws a scary look to her friend, telling her to stay away from the talk.

“Aigoo, you’re so handsome even in that simple suit. You carried it well effortlessly,” A tried to start a conversation. She knows that her sentences are so cheesy but she does not care. ‘Who in the world doesn't like compliment?

“Chinca? Kamsahamnida, Min-Young noona.”

The Cupid's Artwork 'Bout Love (SHINee OnJongKeyMinTae)Where stories live. Discover now