Chapter 14:Wait..What?

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Hi all Secretgamer here with a new chapter for you all and Merry Christmas! Tell me in the comments what you got :3

Zoe's POV:

I'm so happy that Tom has asked me to be in the dream stream! It feels weird calling him Tom. I really think he cares about me but everyone that cared about me has die or turned out not to.Mum,dad,my friends,Family.Talking about friends and family wheres Trott? "Tom,Dad Hannah wheres Trott?" I said jumping out my seat. Tom shuck his head."Come to think of it I haven't seen him since you woke up...We should go and look for him..."Tom said with a kinda emotionless face. We all split off and looked all over the office and still no sign of the walrus. "Tom I'm getting worried now.CHRIS CHRIS!" In my worried state i screamed. "Its OK Zo we'll find him even if that means going to china and back!"Lewis said trying to comfort me but failing."Well hes not in the offices so what do we do now?"We all looked at each other.I looked at Ross and Alex looking a bit sacred and i just burst into tears."ITS ALL MY FAULT!HE WHET OFF AND NOW WE DON'T KNOW WERE HE IS!" Tom ran over with Lewis and Martyn and gave me a massive hug.I could feel Toms warm stripy jumper on my tear stained face."Don't worry Zo. Its not your fault Zo and stop thinking that."I wiped up my tears as Martyn and Lewis made a plan."Right,we have an odd number but i think we have a rough plan.OK we are going to have a look around Bristol and i mean ALL around Bristol in groups.So the groups go me and Hannah,Kim and Duncan,Martyn and Simon,Ross and Alex,Leo and Kogie,Sparkles* and Parv.The one person left is Zo so dose anybody wanna be in a group of 3 with Zoe??" I look at everybody as if to say 'i don't care ill go on my own'But Tom raised his hand. I walked over to Tom and Parv and listened to the rest of the plan.

Once we had heard the plan me,parv and Tom all whent outside. "The bit of paper that Lewis gave us says to go to the park on the other side of Bristol." I sighed and carried on walking. When i got down Parv was starting the car. "I'm not going im the car no even if you say its 'safe' I'm not going in" Tom looked at Parv and he Turned off the engine.  

"Hey Zo are you OK?" Tom said as we were walking towards the park. "Yeah Tom I'm OK.." "Just OK?" I looked at him confused. "Well apart from the fact that one of my best best friends has gone missing Yeah OK.....I mean what if we never find him Tom? Hu? What if he has gone to a different country?" I was now a crying mess in Toms jumper. "Shhhh Shhhhh, Its OK we will find Trott and he will be fine we will do the stream you will have your birthday and then we will have a nice new year and so on." I smiled and gave Tom one more hug.

Sparkles* POV:

Zo got really upset before and shes still not too good. We got to the park and i made a plan. "OK Parv,Zo the plan is that you too will go and look around the other side of the park and i will go around this side. In ten minutes we will meet back here and if we cant see him we'll go around together." They both looked at me in shock. "Are you sure that you wanna go around on your own its really dark and late?" "Yeah i'll be OK..." Parv and Zo took one look at me and started walking. I sighed and began walking.

I was half way round my side of the park when i saw a guy sitting on the bench. As i got closer i could hear the guy crying. "Hello are you OK dude?" He turned around. "Sp-sparkles* It was Trott. In mind it was December he was sat there in a t-shirt and some jeans. Nothing else. "Oh my go Chris everyone in the office is looking for you Zoe has been in tears because of it and you must be so cold and-" Trott turned around "Zoe might be my sister....."


Hi all,Most of this chapter has had to be re written so yeah sorry if it is a bit crap but yeah i will se you guys later

Bye ^.^

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