Chapter 25: Home?

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Hi everyone :3 This chapter is after 4 weeks of boring hospital for Zoe and some heart breaking times for everyone :( So this chapter you will find out why Zoe self harmed and you will be surprised at the reason....

Trott's POV:

Zoe is recovering really well. She still is a bit fragile but can now lift her arms, legs and can stand with support! We are all so proud of her. But I still want to know why Zoe cut her self. The cuts on her arms had been kept secret. We were all packing her stuff so she could go as soon as the doctor said she was okay to go. She was coming home today that's all we knew. It's been decided that she will come and stay with me and the other to (Ross, Smith) (A.N Roll with it :p) "Um...OW!" My eyes darted to the bed. I saw that Zoe had tried to get out of the bed by her self with no support. I ran over and tried to help her up. She winced in pain as we helped her up. "T-thanks guys..." Zoe stuttered as she sat on the bed. "Um Kim, Hannah, Kaeyi I know this is kinda awkward but can you help me get dressed?!?" Zoe doesn't like asking for help we all know that so we all know that she hates asking for something as easy as getting dressed. Kim gave Zoe a warm smile. "Sure! Let's go to the toilets so the boys Can't see you!" Kaeyi laughs. "Yeah boys smell!" All the girls laugh. "Hey! We're not that bad!" Martyn laughed. We all laughed and the girls went to get Zoe dressed.

Kaeyi POV:

We all walked into the toilets and I smiled looking at Zoe. She was so fragile and small. I want to know why she cut her self. It's and awful thought that she used her own body to relief stress. I helped along with the other girls to sit her on the closed toilet seat. "Thanks again girls. I know I'm an adult now but yeah..." I put my hands on her shoulders and knelt down a little to look her in the eyes. "Zoe don't ever think just because you are an adult you have to act and behave like one I mean look at Simon! And Kim! The list is endless!" She smiled slightly and looked around at us all as her lip trembled. One tear fell from her left eye. It rolled down her cheek and landed on my arm. " Come here..." I whispered to her as I embraced her in a hug. The others soon joined in and Zoe started to cry floods now. "I-I-I have to t-tt-tell you somet-t-thing..." She cried. "What is it sweetheart?" Hannah asked with a with a worried smile. "I-I-I need help. F-F-For my S-Self H-H-harm!" Zoe sobbed. I started to tear up and so did the others. Kim chucked her self at Zoe and hugged her tightly and so did me and Hannah. "Guys? Are you okay in there?" I heard Martyn shout through the door. "Y-yeah" I chocked. "K-kaeyi is Z-zoe okay?" Martyn stuttered. He does worry about Zoe a lot. When we first took Zoe in he was always calling Lewis to see if Zoe was still okay. He wants , when she is more confident around people, if she wants to do a series with him. She has really made him happier during his depression. "Stink, s-shes fine..." I answer "I-I-I d-did it she told m-me t-t-o" I looked Zoe in her hazel eyes. "Zoe I need to know who told you to do this." She looked up from her hands and looked me and the other girls in the eyes. "M-me" we looked at each other with pain in our eyes. "I hate the way I-I-I look..." she swallowed. "I-I'm worthless.... I-I once tried to kill my self.... b-but it failed......" I hugged her and again so did the others. Then there was lots of knocks at the door. "Zoe? ZOE!?!" I here all the boys continually shout. "W-we are gonna get her dressed and we will bring her out...." I sighed and the knocking stopped. We helped Zoe into her black skinny jeans with her Simon quote t-shirt. "I-I'm gonna leave my hair and just put on my beanie...." She was still shaking. We hadn't spoke since she said about killing her self. I mean what do you say about that? I gave her a hug and whispered in her ear "I'm always her if you need a talk..." She nodded and nuzzled her face into my neck. Kim and Hannah helped her up and I unlocked the door. As soon as we came out all the boys ran over and hugged Zoe softly so they didn't hurt her. "We all love you Zo don't forget that... Your amazing.." Sparkles* whispered to her. After are 5 minute hug fest we parted and sat down. "Hey Zoe I heard you wanted to put your beanie on!" Leo said with a slight smile. Zoe rubbed the back of her hand and nodded. He turned around and grabbed something. "Ta da! Area 11's new beanie! And you Miss Trott are the first to have one! Apart from me of course!" Zoe chuckled. "You want me to put it on you Zoe?" Leo smiled. Zoe nodded and let out a slight smile. Leo got up and put the beanie on her head over her beautiful hair. "You look lovely Zoe!" Trott said with a smile. The doctor walked into the room with a basket of medication. Holy fudge that's more than me! "Mr Trott, Zoe is ready to go but you just need to fill in a few forms and Zoe can go home!" We all smiled at Zoe.
Zoe's POV:
I rubbed my arm and slightly smiled. What is my life.
As I update this I'm talking to parvobsessed and BluePanda Bye :3

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