Chapter 26: I Hate Being Me.

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Zoe POV:

 I was woken up by a beam of light poking through my curtains. I shuffled over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone. Ross managed to save my phone from when I got beat up. There's a few scratches but I don't care. I unlocked my phone and looked on Twitter. I had so many notifications asking "Are you okay?!!?!?!?" or "Were are the other videos but Hatz?" I decided to put out a tweet. "Hello! Sorry for the lack of videos should be one up today and its going to be about-" I paused for a second and looked at my phone. "Why there's been no videos" I sent the tweet out and I got the favourites and retweets flood in. I come out of Twitter and go to my messages.

9:05  Tom*:

Morning ! You okay today? <3

I sighed and replied with

9:08 You:

Hi Tom! Yeah I'm in a bit of pain but not to much. Can you and the rest of the band come over today?

I put my phone on my chest. I want to tell Tom about how I feel but I'm scared. Scared my crush will reject me. I just think that Tom will laugh and say 'You! Oh my god you really do make me laugh!' and he will leave the room and I will just die alone. But I could just do it now. Kill my self. I know there's a rope down stairs but that was for Hat Films' new sketch. I sighed as I heard my phone go off.

9:12 Tom*:

Yeah sure! How about around 11? :)

9:15 You:

Okay! I also need to run a few jobs so that's fine!

I shuffled into my wheelchair with great pain and difficulty and rolled over to my laptop on my desk. I started it up with Skype and left it on. I slipped a top on over my pyjama top and looked for my camera. I set it up on a tripod and pressed record. "Well hey guys?! Um this is me and welcome to the first non pre recorded video! Well the reason for that is because well....I was very depressed and well didn't feel like I was creating good enough content to go out on my channel and I....I was also beat up on new years eve. I ran out alone and I got beat up." My voice was starting to become uneven now because I remembered  what my imaginary Miss Web told me. I'm not talking to a living person. She only said about people. "I was taken into hospital for 4 weeks and now I'm out I'm in this heap of junk." I say pointing to my wheelchair. "As you can also see I'm in a room! I moved in with Hat Films but I will tell you that story a different time. Anyway all social media links are in the description down there and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe and c'ya next time. Bye." I shut off the camera and started up my editing program.

Time skip to 10:55:

 I finished editing and started looking at twitter.

@YogsZo Be at yours in two?

I soon replyed with

@Area11Band yup :)  

I came off Twitter and started to sort out my room. I straightened my bed covers and took my pills. There really big and have a really bad taste but I only want them so I can stop being so sick. I sighed and swallowed the tiny pain reduces and rolled to the to of the stairs. I can't shout for anyone or she will come back. I text Ross

Me-Ross are you downstairs?

Ross-Yeah you want some help coming downstairs?

Me- Yup

I then heard Ross jog over to the bottom of the stairs and run up them. "So the Area 11 guys are coming over are they?" Ross laughs pulling me out the wheelchair. I nod and was taken down stairs. I was sat on the sofa when the doorbell went. Ross was getting my wheelchair and I no way to get up. "COME IN!" Ross shouts. Thank god! I don't have to speak. Well everyone is going to pick up on it sooner or later. I sighed and shuffled in my seat. I'm still in my pyjamas. Great. "Ross?" I hear Parv shout through the house. "UP HERE!" Ross replies. I hear footsteps go up the stairs and then back down. "Thanks guys! I don't know how things work half the time!" I heard all them laugh but Tom's laugh stud out the most. His laugh made my heart flutter. STOP IT ZOE! HE'S NOT INTO YOU! I sighed and calmed down from my self fight and watched them all come through. "Hey Zoe how you doing?" Leo smiled. I fake smiled back as they sat down. Tom sat next to me and Kogie on the other side. "So what you been up to Zo?" Tom asked. What do I do?!? Um.....SPEAK APP! I downloaded it this morning.I replied with yet another fake smile. I opened the app and typed in 'Social media'. The feminine voice said what I wanted to say. I'm not risking Miss Web coming back. "Ha ha! That's a cool app!" Parv laughed. I looked at him and nodded back to him. "Oh yeah, Zoe your brother and Smith have gone to Yogtowers for a couple hours to edit some shit. You wanna drink guys?" I nodded and a chorus of yes' filled the room. When Ross left the room Tom turned and looked at me. "So what you want to while we are here?" He smiled. I thought for a second and looked t my phone. I typed in what I wanted and soon the app reacted and said "Can you pre watch my video? And maybe a bit of song playing?" He smiled and they all looked at me. "You made a video?" Kogie said in disbelieve. I looked at him and nodded my head as a reply. Ross must of over heard and replied. "I'll grab your laptop!" The boys laughed and I just smiled. "We'll come and grab the drinks!" Leo shouts back. "I'll stay here with Zoe." Kogie said. The others walked out and Kogie looked at me. "Why you not talking Zoe?" Kogie says concerned. I look at him and sigh. I type in on my app that I have a sore throat. He looked at me as if he didn't buy it. "Okay, but I'll be checking up on you..." Kogie sighed.


 "You have a great end screen Zo!" Tom says sightly ruffling my hair. I smile and look at Parv. "I think we all love it!" Parv said. Everyone nodded. All of a sudden I get a notification 'Your video was uploaded to YouTube' I took in a deep breath in fear. I really hope they like it. But I'm ready for the hate.

Hello. There's gonna be some chapters like this for a while. I'm plotting something.....>:-3

Bye <3

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