Chapter 7:Bye Bye 'care home'

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Sparkles* POV:

I cant believe what i was hearing.Zoe getting bullied for no reason what so ever!Also the people who were supposed to make her feel safe after the things that had happened to her did nothing and then started to do the same!!!I mean who would do that?!?!?A cold hearted person at that."Well Zoe me and Hannah are going to look after you until you want to go but until then me and all the yogscast family will care for you and help you with anything."Lewis said putting his hand on her shoulder."We all will"I repeated.Before I knew it Zoe was hugging me and Lewis."GROUP HUG!!"I shouted and with that it was a big yogscast hug."So what about your stuff"Hannah said as we all broke away."Can some of you come with me please?"Zoe whispered to Hannah"Sure!Who?" "Um Sparkles*,You,Lewis,Martyn and Duncan?"She wanted me to come for some strange reason i felt a blush come up on my face."Sure!"We all said.

Magical _Time_Skip_Of_Unicorns!

Zoe's POV:

There i was right outside the horrible hell i had to grow up in.I took a large gulp in fear.Sparkles* put his arm around me "Its gonna be OKAY Zo I'm not gonna leave your side neither are the others."He whispered in my ear.I smiled at the thought that they cared about me.As we walked in I went in first to see what the the cold hearted woman would say"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN I THINK IT TIME FOR A  BEATING"At that Sparkles*,Lewis,Duncan ran upfront of me whilst Hannah hugged me."You touch my daughter and you will have the law to talk to."Wow Lewis had just stuck up for me nobody has ever done that for me before and he called me his DAUGHTER!I mean any fan would wish to here those words.Miss Web(that's her name BTW)froze.Lewis gave her the papers and Miss Webs face changed as she read the letter."She can go and pack her stuff."Miss Web spat still shocked at what just happened.I ran up to Lewis and gave him a massive hug.He smiled and pulled away.We all walked up the stairs to my old bedroom.As we passed all the rooms I got loads of mean looks but then we walked passed jess' room.She started to get off her bed when she saw me.Oh no.She had all the others that had always hurt me."Oh so running on the streets finally got you a place to live did it?"Before i knew it Duncan was next to me with his arm round me"Yeah and a loving family that will care for her probably something you will never have."Duncan said in a firm voice.As we walked into my room Sparkles* saw the look of sadness on  my face and ran over to me."Did they hurt you?Are you OK?"I looked up at him are faces are centimeters apart."No,Duncan came as soon as she said some thing to me"I smiled trying to hold back the tears from the memory's flashing though my head.I'm 17 and I'm having to have people stick up for me.I went into my room to find it how i left it.My wardrobe wide open and a picture of me my mum and my dad before they died."Is this all they let you have?"Hannah said.I nodded.

Once we had done packing we went back down the stairs and saw Miss Web."Well Zoe its time for you to go and live you new life with your family."she snarled.We all walked out the door with my stuff and when we made it to the car i jumped around screaming."Whats up Zo!"sparkles* said."I'M FINALLY OUT THAT CRAPPY HOME FOR GOOD!!"He came over and hugged me.

I feel dead from writing all that :0 secretgamer out :p

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