Chapter 6:Adopt?!?!?!!?

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I forgot to update this story oops!!!

Zoes POV:

I talk to hat films for ages until Hannah and Lewis came in looking smug in a good way."Zoe me and Lewis want to ask you something..."Oh no was it time for me to go.I started to breath quicker.NO Zoe don't have a panic attack"W-what"Lewis spread a massive grin across his face.Sparkles* must of seen me breathing heavily so he came over and put his arm around me."Me and Hannah were wonding if you wanted us to adopt you?!?!?!?!"I did the most geek grin ever before I ran up to them and gave them a massive hug."I take that as a yes then!"Lewis said."We have sorted it all out so all you have to do is go and get the rest of your stuff from the care home"That when my face dropped.I then ran out of the room into the place were this all started.The studio.I locked it and then curled up into the corner of the room."Zo it Sparkles* please let me in Hannahs having a panicking because she thinks you don't like her Lewis is  to calm her down,Trotts worried sick..." Whys Trott worried sick?I'm hurting Hannah.WHY AM I IN HERE?!?!!?I quickly unlocked the the door to a worried Sparkles*.I ran past sparkles* and to the commen room.Hannah was in tears I quickly hugged Hannah."I don't hate you,I LOVE YOGSCAST I'M SUCH A LUCKY FAN! I'm scared of the care home and Trott...."I let go of Hannah and ran over to Trott and the guys"You guys are incredible to..."The whole room looked at me and Sparkles* said"Why are you scared of the care home?"I took a deep breath."It all started when i move in there when i was little,I was new and apparently the new target for bulling a girl came to me and said i would regret being here and just walked of i thought nothing of it. From there it got worse,they started to hit me and tease me saying your family never wanted you or your small,that's when i got into video games but then the care home started to hit me."The whole room went silent

secretgamer out! :p

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