05/09/2000 Tuesday

129 4 1

A/n: welcome to this story. I hope you enjoy it but it is going to be slow updates bc i cba tbh. Also I just wanted to share it bc I thought it would be good as a whole big thing. Anyway have fun.

Today is the first day of university, if you were to ask me how I was feeling I would say extremely nervous. I mean I'm 19 years old and have no family to fall back on now that my mother has past, and I certainly want nothing to do with my father. I am a lone wolf do to speak. Completely and truly lo-


Great, you've just got hot coffee spilt over you because you're too lost in thought and direction. How stupid are you? You know nobody here and you're lost, at least you didn't apply for a geography degree, you were right to stick with literature. Now keep your head down girl.

"Oh my I'm so sorry! Here have this."

He's handing you a tissue take it for god's sake!

"Th-thank you, it's my fault. I should've looked where I was going."

"No, no it's all me."

Perfect he's going to say that. It was totally you; you get lost and end up walking into this- this amazingly cute guy who you are staring at for too long. Put your head back down Alexis!

"Are you okay miss? You look... not at ease."

"I'm fine."

Good answer just walk away now, and everything will be over so you can go back to being lost.

"okay then, well I'm sorry again for ruining your top."

Smile... that's it. He's walking away... wait what are you doing?!

"hey um..."

Perfect, I told you to leave it.

"You wouldn't know the way to the English department, would you? I'm kind of lost."

Why don't you-

"Actually, I'm going that way, so maybe this can repay for your top?"

"Sounds good,"

You're smiling at him, wow. Are you blushing, head down now! Just catch up to him, walk together and say nothing.


His voice is like butter- HEY! Focus here.

"heh, you're taking English?"

Answer the question Lex.

"Yeah, literature actually. You?"

"Same what a coincidence."

He's laughing, join in... well done.

"Do you live in Cambridge?"

Another question jeez.

"How about names first."

Just a little aggressive but who cares you're just an anxiety ridden 19-year-old walking to your lecture with that specimen.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm Tom Hiddleston."

"Alexis Stewart."

"Good to meet you, or bump into you that is."

Oh and he's laughing again. What is it with this guy? But his laugh is sooooo cute.

"Well miss Stewart, do you live in Cambridge?"

"Yes but with the 'shire' at the end. What about you?"

Alexis' Diary (Tom Hiddleston fanfic/romance story)Where stories live. Discover now