04/02/2001 Sunday

17 1 10

The past week wasn't much different to the week before. Williams was still being entitled, so her classes weren't fun to sit in. The three girls who apparently found pleasure in tormenting me almost got punched by Tom if he wasn't such a gentleman.

That was my favourite part, the tears in your eyes made it hard to see though, maybe next time don't act like that in front of them, then those things won't happen to your face.

Thank you for your input but I've got more important things to discuss. Tom and I have just gotten back to his room with a lot of papers after talking to Stephanie. One of the more important scenes of this week was Tom agreeing to be a witness in the meeting about Professor Williams. I explained everything, timidly I must admit. I told him what could happen, and he was more than happy to help us.

The majority of the session we came from was discussing the meeting and Williams' reaction to Stephanie's warning. Straight from the horse's mouth, Williams said: "how many times have you tried to have me fired now? 5 is it, I've lost count. I'm an asset to this university and I hardly think that you are going to get rid of me any. Time. Soon."

I wanted to laugh; I did a bit when Stephanie reiterated what the professor said. There was that fear still, radiating in the back of my mind. She has friends and I don't know what'll happen to me if she didn't get fired.

You'd be expelled. Probably.

When we got back, we looked through some of the documents Stephanie gave us. Most of them were about anxiety, and relaxation techniques when stressed. I looked through them, Tom writing an essay that I completed the day before. When we were finished, we made lunch which was sandwiches. They were eaten quickly and went for a walk.

Tom's birthday was coming up, so I wanted to stop at a sweet shop before getting him a very soft jumper while he bought a cake for himself. I kept the presents in an opaque bag before checking out, so Tom didn't need to walk with his eyes closed the whole time. I also bought wrapping paper because the only type I have is Christmas themed.

Tom peppered me a few kisses trying to sneak to see what I had bought but I kept a good enough eye to ensure he didn't see. It was cute to see him all puppy eyed, but I tried my best not to give in to his beautiful little face.

It was still a little cold when we got out of the shop, there wasn't much snow on the ground, but it was slippery, and cold, so I gripped my coat together, Tom's arm around my shoulder as we walked home.

"When am I getting my presents then Miss Stewart?" Tom grinned as he flopped on his bed. I placed the bag of presents by the door and joined him, laying down next to him.

"When it's your birthday," I smiled; he kissed me softly but still frowned. I giggled and boopped his nose, "you know when presents and cake are involved, you are such a child." We both laughed and kissed again.

"Do you think anyone's going to steal that cake?" Tom asked like it was the crown jewels. My fit of giggles subsided as I tried to answer.

"I could ask Rich to put it in the porter's fridge. I'm sure he'd agree to it, but I think it's cold enough to leave out," I mumbled as I thought about those girls taking it, or for that matter, anyone taking it.

"Alright. How do you know him anyway? You never said," he asked.

"Family friend. He knew my dad, before, well, you know." Tom nodded and smiled again. He kissed me again and again.

Ugh are you seriously going to have a make out session on his bed. That's disgusting, you look like a whore. Just imagine doing that in public in front of those girls. OHHHH that would be hilarious!

I sat up quickly, Tom looked upset with himself, but I kept looking down.

"Sorry, my fault. You just looked so pretty, and I wanted to kiss you forever," Tom said nervously, his hand entangled itself with mine and I blushed.

"I don't want to-"

"It's ok, I should've been more conservative with you. Blame me," he interrupts.

"You don't have to apologise Tom; I would've carried on if I wasn't thinking too much." Tom kissed my cheek and got off the bed.

"I'll be back in a minute. Open some of the biscuits and sweets I bought. Movie night!" He exclaimed before leaving his room. I laughed a little and grabbed the snacks he bought. That's why he got so much junk food. I smiled to myself and quickly grabbed the bag of presents for Tom's birthday. I had plenty of time to wrap it anyway but knowing his child like nature he'd take a peek after I fell asleep, so I quickly wrapped the jumper and put it back in the bag, just with enough time to pick a movie and open the large pack of salt and vinegar crisps.

"TADAAAA!" Tom exclaimed as he threw open the door. I laughed.

"What film are we watching then?" He asked as he walked to the bed. I showed him the copy of Back to the Future and his excitement grew more.

"I was hoping you chose that one," he said.

"Really?" I asked giggling a little at his silliness.

"No," he admitted making me laugh more. I moved some of the snacks, so they were comfortably reachable, and we pressed play.

Our snacks were half finished by the end of the film and it took a while to get our muscles moving and . I had some work to complete like Tom, so we got that done before 5 when we had dinner together. Nothing special just soup and bread; it was delicious.

It was around 9 when I left Tom. I grabbed my bag before I left and took the cake. I made a mental note to see Rich tomorrow before leaving for classes. When I got back, I put the presents in the bottom draw of my desk, falling asleep a few hours after I reread the next few pages of Twelfth Night. 

A/N: I was going to say a shorter chapter, but it's over 1000 words so I doubt that 🤣🤣🤣 but I'm going to try my best to complete the next chapter for Tom's birthday, if not, it'll be posted hopefully Wednesday (which is the date of the chapter). ❤❤❤

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