03/05/2001 Thursday Part 2

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⚠A/N: This part is a little shorter but that's because the break is a good place to stop. Again another warning, the warnings from last time are still relevant to this chapter and the rest of this whole diary entry thing.⚠

"Mr Heart, will you stand?"

Freddie stands and I give him the two slips of paper with his statements on. He passes them to the board members and stands back in his place.

"Now Freddie, you are a witness to Professor Williams' acts towards Alexis here. Care to explain?"

"Yeah umm, well there was one thing, only a couple weeks back. Tom and Lex had just gotten in to the lecture room and made no effort to annoy the Professor. They sat down and Williams walked over to them. She spoke to them about something which I was guessing was some work she had set them. I didn't know what was said until Tom told me later. She said that it was a change from their regular classroom "laziness", but they are hardly lazy in the lecture room. I look over at them sometimes and Lex's head is always down taking notes. So is Tom. They're both really hard workers-"

"We understand. Just carry on with the story please Freddie," one of the kinder women in the board interrupts.

"Yeah, sorry, just a little nervous. Well I wasn't looking over there much because Lex had Tom, but I could hear her starting to have an anxiety attack. Long story short, the Professor told her to calm down and be quiet, eventually threatening to throw us all out because we were creating a disruption to the lesson."

"So she gave Alexis no way of help during her attack?" The man to the left of Patrick asks.

"No, Lex was hiding under her desk crying because she wanted the noise to stop. Professor Williams just kept screaming at us, telling us that if we were to leave, she would have us banned, like Stephanie said." Freddie explains. Patrick gives a small nod.

Let's not mince our words here, you deserved it.

"Right, and it says here that you've witnessed more of her 'harassment' as you have put it here," Patrick continues.

"Yes, it was mainly the same kinds of reaction, her getting angry at us all. She'd keep Tom and Alexis behind to tell them off. On Tom's birthday back in February, although we did cause a bit of a stir in the room before she got there, she threatened to have us all suspended."

"Alright Mr Heart, we've heard enough from you now, if you'd like to sit and Mr Spencer, will you stand?"

Joey takes his statements and does what everyone has before him. I steal a glance at Williams and her scowl bites into me like one of a dogs. She looks completely furious and like she'll snap any minute.

Please, I want to see little Lexi cry again, she's so funny when she cries.

"Joey, isn't it, why don't you tell us your side of the story?" Patrick asks.

"My side will be a lot like Fred's, but I've been friends with Tom for years, like 15 years when we both joined Eton. Alexis, is the kindest girl I've ever met. I mean I'm jealous of Tommy boy a- I'll shut up. I can back up everything Freddie has said. I've seen her having her attacks because of these issues. There are a few girls who've tormented her which aren't really useful to this story, but what I can tell is that Lex has definitely been greatly affected by what has happened. I don't like mentioning it, but she has these little movements she does. Hiding her arms, trying to find something to hold onto because she's having an attack."

Jealous, of Tom, the fuck is wrong with him then, your hardly princess Tiana, she's the best princess. She's strong and independent. You're a weak dependent child. A new born is more independent than you.

"Do you believe that you have any other useful information to give us?"

"Not really, I just know that Professor Williams has failed as a teacher and has been extremely rude and horrible to my friends." He finishes passionately.

"Alright Mr Spencer, Professor Scott please stand." Patrick says holding his hand out to Scott. He has his statement already, so he quickly passed it over before starting.

"Professor, you've been the other teacher these students have had over this year. Can you describe Thomas' and Alexis' behaviour in class."

"I believe that Alexis is very vocal in my lessons, she is a completely different person to the one I see around the campus from time to time. She volunteers to read when we do analysis pieces and isn't afraid to suggest something. I think she has grown very comfortable in my class which is all I hope for my students. She has missed sessions though, due to panic attacks, and more personal issues, but her work will always be done. She is an excellent student," Scott starts. I smile a little because Scott is my favourite professor. Not like there would be another.

"Good to hear Professor. Have you witnessed any bullying, or harassment being targeted towards Miss Stewart?" The kind woman from before asks.

"There was one incident with a few girls which have already been mentioned. I have already reported them to the head of the English department so they will be receiving punishment, but it was a while ago. If I remember correctly, there were some rude remarks being thrown at Alexis, which I overheard, so I called them out and defended Miss Stewart in front of the class. I also explained that those situations would not be tolerated in my lecture room. I've also seen Alexis upset from coming out of Professor Williams' class, but I didn't want to pry and upset her more. However, Alexis is well aware that she could come to me and talk at any time."

"Is that true Miss Stewart?" The man sitting next to Patrick asks quickly. I snap up and give a small nod.

"Yes, however, I feel more comfortable talking to Tom or Stephanie," I mention. The man nods and continues.

"Finally Professor Scott, how would you describe Miss Stewart's relationship with Mr Hiddleston? Do they disturb your lessons at all?"

"No, they are very quiet when they need to be, I know that Tom is a support for Alexis, and he helps her every anxiety attack she has. If she feels uncomfortable in my lessons at any point, I allow her to step outside with Tom, and they usually come back within a few minutes." Scott ends. He stands for a little longer as Patrick completes the questioning.

"Ok. Thank you, if my colleagues have nothing else to say or ask, we're going to take a break. Please feel free to step out and do whatever, we'll reconvene in 10 minutes." 

A/N: I think there're going to be a couple more parts to this entry, one for the erst of the statements and one for the outcome. ❤

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