Author's note

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Hey guys, this is really important so I'd appreciate if you read. I know how I don't like reading author's notes to be honest.

So in the chapter named 13/12/2000 (I think I got the date wrong in the announcement lol) I said that I related to Alexis' character, and that I was going to use my life to loosely create her childhood and her feelings. The next chapter of this story I will publish talks about abuse.

Now I was not physically abused as a child, yes we all have shit childhoods and that can't be avoided, but I have to stress that I am not in any danger at home. I am happy and loved by both of my parents and I am not being harmed.

Also to clarify this isn't any of that Kate Yup kinda stuff where someone else is writing her posts or someone is trying to get me to write what they want me to. I am writing this to ensure you guys don't think that I am unsafe or unhappy, because although I appreciate the care you have I am and will forever remain fine.

 I am writing this to ensure you guys don't think that I am unsafe or unhappy, because although I appreciate the care you have I am and will forever remain fine

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Here is a very awkward picture of me to prove that. And I hope you like the pictures of avenge the fallen in the background lol. And yes those are furby stickers. This is my childhood bed frame lol. 

Anyway the only reason I want to repeat this over and over is because I want you to understand, and please comment if you do, that Alexis' life is fiction and what I have made up, there is no link between her childhood and mine and that I am perfectly healthy, even in this time.

I also posted an announcement on my profile about it. Please understand, I don't want people worrying about me for no reason. 

Please comment or vote or whatever if you understand and thank you for reading. I'm not trying to undermine you guys or patronise you in anyway I'm just a very nervous human being and hate when I fuck up because it means I go into explanatory or apology overdrive.

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