03/05/2001 Thursday Part 3

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⚠A/N: Still warning you about the mentions of anxiety, self harm, and all the warnings I have already said. I've been working on this chapter alone all day so I don't know where I am lol.⚠

The board members all stand and get up to talk privately and I relax greatly. I slump down a little and take a deep breath.

Look at all that support you have, you're really popular Lex, see how you make these problems bigger than they are. You have people around you yet you still think there's a problem when there really isn't.

"Would you like to step outside Lex?" Stephanie asks, I nod and walk out with her. Joey, Tom, and Freddie staying in their places talking.

"How are you feeling?" She asks as we sit on the chairs outside.

"Yeah... Um I'm okay," I say with weak breaths. I stare down at my hands and watch as my fingers fidget together.

"I know that Williams is staring at you a lot, but just try and ignore her, focus on Tom if you have to. Don't forget to breathe and concentrate. Everything is alright. At this rate I'm sure that this meeting is going in our favour."

I look up happily at her feeling a large sense of relief.

"You just have to stay strong. They're not going to hurt you and you have all our support." She gently rubs my back and sends me a sweet smile. I look up as the door opens to the meeting room and Tom walks out.

"Hey, I brought you some water," Tom says. I see the cup of water in his hand as Stephanie walks back into the board room. Tom and I sit together for the remainder of the break outside the room. Patrick comes back out and tells us that we're starting again. I hold Tom's hand tightly and walk back in.

"Now that we are back and ready, Mr Hiddleston it's your turn to speak."

Tom stands taking his statement from me, "We are aware that you are both witness and victim to Professor Williams' actions,"

"Yes sir, but only a victim as the same level as Joey and Freddie."

"Alright then, you have been the main witness to everything that has happened over the past few months."

"Yes, we've known each other since the first day." Tom replies and I smile thinking about that very first day.

Ugh can you get any sappier. Seriously, it's called self-respect.

"So, we've learnt that Alexis has self-harmed due to some situations over this year, did any of them happen because of Professor Williams?" Patrick asks and I see Tom looking at me sadly. I give a small nod letting him connect the dots.

"I- yes. I was away, my grandfather had passed so I was attending his funeral. I didn't want to leave her because she had only recently gone back to self-harming again. She told me that because I was away, she couldn't handle the pressure Williams was giving her-"

"I do not wish to hear, anymore of this. He's obviously lying!" Williams fumes. She stands leaning on her hands as she hits the table. I jumped a little and grab for Tom's hand, he takes gently giving it a small squeeze.

I now understand why you can't watch horror films.

"Professor, you'll have your time to speak please be quiet and let Mr Hiddleston continue. It's not your job to determine who is telling the truth. You may continue Thomas," Patrick replies angrily.

"Thank you, she had cleaned herself up, but I helped her a little when she told me that she had done it."

Because she was a big girl for five minutes.

Alexis' Diary (Tom Hiddleston fanfic/romance story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ