Epilogue 27/08/2001- Monday

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New tear new me, that's what I'm supposed to say right?

HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! We're baaaaaaaaaack!!!

Don't mind her. She's just excited, I don't blame her. What a summer holiday we had. I stayed with Tom through the holiday, and I think I'm definitely a part of their family.

Yeah of course, you totally make a good part of the Hiddleston's.

You're being sarcastic aren't you.

And you didn't notice.

Look, it's a new year, new mem new supervisions, new lectures.

New room.

New room everything's new and fresh.

Except for your crusty, dusty, musty relationship and MEEEE!!!!


"AAAAHH!" I screamed as I felt two hands grab my sides. I turned around and saw Tom behind me. I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Alexis, we've hardly been away from each other and you're acting like we've been apart for years!" Tom says laughing as he spins me around. I laugh with him and tap his shoulder, so he puts me down.

"I know, but I'm just happy to be back. I've got everything sorted and I can't wait to be more involved this year. I might join the theatre club."

"Woah, Woah Woah. Who are you and what have you done with my Lexi."

Umm excuse me but that was my line.

"Look, I want to start off strong, not worried about everything. I know how Uni works and know where I've got to go. I'm not spilling anymore coffee." I smile at Tom.

"I thought I was taking the blame for that one." He says and I shake my head.

"I had the coffee, and we both didn't know where we were going, and I couldn't be happier with the outcome." I say, smiling up at him. I peck his lips and walk further into my room.

"Sooooo, what do you think?" I ask excitedly.

"It's hardly changed from last year except the number on the door." Tom says.

"I know that but it's nice to reorganise, you know, actually have the things that I need closest to my desk so I don't have to hunt for them for hours when I could be reading a text I don't understand because I don't speak French."

Okay that was a lot of words for a very pumped-up girl. Let's make you tired yeah, go to bed, have a nap. You might not be a teen for much longer, so I need the norm back just for a few more months.

"Calm down Lexi. I'm happy we're back, but it's like you've taken LSD or something."

"When you say that it proves you've never done any drugs other than paracetamol and hay fever pills." I say as I spin on my wheely chair, it's just from home because the chair they give you is really uncomfortable after a while.

"And you've done more?" Tom asks a little concerned.

"Yeah, I am a teenager with parents who don't care and a best friend who has other friends." I say like it's obvious.

"Oh yeah I forgot, posh boy, right?" He says laughing while pointing to himself.

"Right." I answer back.

Tom checks the time on his watch and looks back up at me, "do you want to go get something to eat, it's almost lunch." Tom says.

The reason we came back to Cambridge early was because we wanted to settle in and have some time together happily in the centre of town before the year starts up. We also had to move in so that took a while. Thankfully, Dianna, Tom's mum, had room that was almost completely empty so I could leave the things I had from uni in that room before I had to organise it so we could go back.

We go down to the kitchen and make sandwiches and steal Joey's portable DVD player, like so many times last year. We relaxed and had fun together. I'm so excited for the year to come.

Don't forget me!!!!

A/N: And that's the end of the story. It's so sad to have finished this story, but I'm also very happy that I can now focus on the other books, I know that I shouldn't keep publishing new books, but I can't help myself lol. I hope you've liked this book. I would carry on with another book to follow up so it was a trilogy of all three years at uni, but I don't think I'd be able to come up with that much content. 

I hope you've enjoyed this book though. I have to say I've really enjoyed writing it. I hope you liked my writing and that it wasn't too terrible.❤❤❤

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