10/08/2001 Friday

11 0 0

A/N: I looked up the grade systems for degrees, however I don't know if you get results for every year like the diploma I'm doing now, and like how you'd get your results at GCSE ya know. So if that doesn't happen then this is just made up. I wanted something to write in this chapter and I thought there would be some results for each year.

Today is results day. Tom and I have taken the train up to Cambridge to get our results papers along with our certificates. I've been staying with Tom's family, Diana, Emma, and Sarah, and all we've been talking about is our work for next year and grades.

I squeeze Tom's hand as I walk along with him to Pembroke.

"How're you feeling?" Tom asks like it's not obvious.

"Like my heart is about to explode, but at the same time, I'm floating on air."

"That's probably because you're so stressed." Tom suggests and I accept that idea. We enter the college and get to the porters lodge, we knew that we'd probably had to either go to the English department, Selwyn college, to see Professor Scott, or to see our supervisors. But first we had to sign in at the porter's lodge.

"Well if it isn't Tom and Lexi," Rich says as we walk over to him to sign in.

"Hi Rich," I say as I take the pen to fill in the line. Once I'm done, I hand the pen to Tom.

"I bet you're gonna get top grades. You've both been working so hard you deserve to do well." Rich smiles and we thank him, "so English year 1 is over to Selwyn for you." Rich says as he checks the list, he was given earlier that morning. We thank him again as he wishes us good luck and we make our journey over to the end of the city, going past the different faculties on our way. We see a sign saying 'Year 1 results' on it and we scan the page for Scott's name. We find our destination and head over to the room.

It's quite funny to watch different people's reactions to their grades as you walk past the open doors through the hallways.

"I'm getting more nervous now," I say as we round the corner and see the sign for Professor Scott's room. It wasn't really his room, but it's where we had to go to get to him.

"Ah, Miss Stewart and Mr Hiddleston, let's see," he says as we walk in, he starts filing through the envelopes for our names and I notice about 5 to 6 other people looking at their results, "H and S. Right there is yours Alexis, aaannndd oh yes here are your results Tom. Congratulations." Scott smiles at us and we walk over to the wall furthest away from the door to find out our results.

"Ready?" Tom asks.

"No," I smile out of fear, but I start to open the envelope like Tom. I pull out all the documents inside and look at the first piece of paper gasping.

"Oh my God!" I say breathlessly. I look up to Tom and he's beaming.

"How did you do?"

"I got a first!" I beam. I jump excitedly.

"Oh wow darling that's amazing!! I'm so happy for you." Tom says as I hug him happily. I kiss him sweetly.

"How did you do?" I ask trying not to steal all the limelight.

Oh no sis you've already done that.

"I got a first too." Tom smiles.

"Really?! That's amazing!!!" I say and tears well up in my eyes. Tom and I hug tightly out of excitement and happiness, we share a small kiss as well that luckily no one else in the room sees. "Oh this is so amazing, I can't believe, we got firsts!!! Oh my God I'm so happy!!" I speak.

"I'm so proud of you Lex." Tom smiles.

"Sorry, I'm taking all your celebrating-"

"No way. I'm freaking out internally, but you're more important to me, and you worked so much harder than I ever could." Tom compliments, I roll my eyes as if he was joking. "I'm serious Lexi. I'm so fucking proud of you, and I'm so glad that this all worked out. Looking at you now, you've changed so much in 10 months, and I can't believe that nervous wreck who was so flawed and upset and just so insecure is now brighter, happier and less scared. I'm so proud of you because through everything you've been through and everything that you've been stressing about, you've still managed to become so different." Tom smiles.

"I couldn't do it without you Tom. I'm sorry you've had to deal with me."

"No, no don't say that. Before I met you, I wasn't thinking about getting a girlfriend, I was alone and completely fine and normal, but now being with you, I don't know how to be without you. You mean so much to me Alexis. I haven't had to deal with you, I haven't had to put up with you. Those pictures we took at Christmas together, my favourite. The ring you wear every day, means more than just a promise. You are literally everything to me, and I know it sounds over exaggerating, and I know it sounds soppy, and I know that it definitely sounds really weird out loud, but I really, really love you." Tom finishes, I have small tears in my eyes.

"I love you too Tom. Thank you for being like this." I say, kissing him gently. It was like the world stopped turning and that everything was changing, no one mattered to us but each other, this is true love.

This is great material for your diary.

*Cue the sad violin quartet*

That's the end folks. They'll be like a little epilogue, you know, the story continues dun, dun, dun!!!! But what did you think of that?! You know, if I was real, I would so date Tom, he's sweet and that kind of boy, ya know. But yeah, that's the end. I know you'll miss me *sniffle* I'll miss you too. I love you all and I know I'm you're favourite, but all good things come to an end.

You know what, I want doughnuts.

A/N:Only the Epilogue left,🥺🥺. V V sad, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.❤

Alexis' Diary (Tom Hiddleston fanfic/romance story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon