When the footsteps are only a few paces away, my hands tremble and my eyes water even as I clench them tightly shut. My body feels hot and sweat starts trickling down my neck, and just when I think all those swarms of footing are about to turn my way, they only keep their pace straight forward. I open my eyes and hold my breath, Kylo is much taller than all the StormTroopers, so much so, that I can still see the back of his head as he passes, barking orders to the soldiers and focusing their attention away, as he didn't look down the hall to find me hiding in plain sight. 

"The scavenger is coming, I can sense it." He nods to them with a demanding tone, behind the electronic muffle of his mask. "Be prepared to apprehend her upon arrival."

The lightsaber on his belt glimmers in the light as he passes in slow motion, soon turning into his heavily cloaked back and in its black materials, I can almost see the darkness he possesses, hiding in the shadows of him like a coattail.  

The handful of StormTroopers follow him like ducklings, their blasters held close to their armoured chests, rather willing to shoot themselves than the man who leads them.

When they finally turn another corner, far off in the distance, is when I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding, swiping the droplets of sweat off my forehead and returning back on track to the Escape Bay, which is now just in sight.  

But like everything else in my life, surprise floods my calming veins once more just as I am about to put my palm on the scanner – Knowing full well that it will deny my entrance, but that doesn't matter, for a man opens the hatch from the other-side, flinching slightly at my stance before him and then narrowing his eyes. 

"What are you doing here, servant?" He barks. 

My heart sank. I was hoping the man from all the previous times I had entered would be working, for he had let me in alone because he knew I was tied to Kylo Ren. I wanted to enter with as much stealth as possible, but now my only option was to try and trick this grumpy man to let me in – And the disgruntled look on his face told me it wasn't going to be easy.

It wasn't his size that bothered my nerves, his strong build and stocky length, but how heavily armed he was. Two blasters on his round hips and even the lump beneath the material around his ankle, signifying another one was hidden just in case. I gulped. They were almost as threatening as Kylo's lightsaber when it was pressed to my neck... Upon that thought, I spat out the first excuse I could think of.

"Kylo Ren requests your presence." 

His mouth remains an uncharacteristic grim line amid his stubble, only cocking his head to the side and furrowing his thick brows at my words, "Kylo Ren? Why would he need me?"

A breath gets caught in my throat and I suddenly wish I was wearing my headscarf for my ears are burning bright red. Clenching my hands into tight fists, it seems everyone I had known, had already called me a liar today – So I only continued to conjure up what I must do best. 

"Someone's arriving on board." I recall Kylo's previous words, using their secrecy to my advantage, "He wants you to help him read when they are near."

I don't even know what this mans job is, but it didn't even seem to matter to him, purely because when Kylo Ren orders you to do something, you appear to his request. My hair is sticking to the back of my neck as his eyes wander over my features and my heart thuds in my burning ears. 

"Well, why didn't I get the order before I just started my shift here?" He asks.

"I don't know, Sir." I shrug my shoulders and glance away from his heavy stare, "I'm just a servant who was ordered to tell you. They said to be quick though, Kylo Ren doesn't have much patience." I point my hand in the direction I just saw him walk, "He went down that way though."

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